What is King’s real name?

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I dont see Kaido as being more durable, since that attack hurt him.
I see Kaido being an endurance monster that can take many many hits that hurt him but can still keep going, while i think King can tank attacks Kaido cant but if 1 clean attack lands then he is done unlike Kaido who would simply keep fighting
For me is like this.

Durability = is a status of how much damage you can Take.

Endurance = is a status that even with much of damage you take you can still going ham.

Tank = is a status that receive a attack and not been damaged.
Now I'm convinced act 3 ending is all the calamities awakening and getting back up
Would be the dream:pepecry:

Just sad Usopp/Chopper didn't really get much to do from a combat standpoint.

I still find it very jarring Fuku and the CP-0 guys are still around while the Calamities and F5 are not. Reaaaaaaalllly curious as to why Oda did this. But it would (could) be addressed if they all get up.

I just dunno how much more he'll draw, considering we still have these 2 Yonko and we know those fights are going to be long/brutal too.


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Thats every OP powerup though. DJ took Jabra out in 2 hits. Asura took Kaku out in 1. Zoro beat Mr. 1 in 1 hit once he learned about the breath of all things.

This isn't really new. He talks about how in 1033,, he has to literally give everything Enma wants without regard for death/losing his life-force.

It makes sense Zoro is winning like this, he's putting it all into this "mode". What's good is we get a full chapter on it. I'm disappointed Sanji only just used Ifrit Jambe the last 3 pages, but I guess his entire Germa transformation was the powerup.
Eh, it sounds like there's the epilogue of Sanji vs Queen, then King's broken mask and a lengthy flashback (maybe most of the chapter) before King and Zoro get their big clash. After which Zoro defeats King.

It's not actually a full chapter of Haoshoku Zoro vs King if most of the chapter is King's flashback.
Slave price
There is a list of how much a slave can sell for, depending on what kind of slave the person is. The current starting auction prices is as follows:

the government doesn't sell SLAVES lmaooo

what does that have to do with bounties?
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