What is King’s real name?

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I don't know why everyone is saying queen has low endurance think it another way sanji should have that much strength in his legs that durability of an cyborg dinosaur is nothing
If you say anything people here no longer care . Discord generation care more about powerlevels than story dynamics . Its all about comparing zoro and sanji 24 x 7 its like one piece is about two of them .
Wow, I was not anticipating King to look like that. And that side braid. King is the last person I'd expect to wake up in the morning and do his hair.

So we see Kaido and King's meeting. Can't help but think Oda's deliberately paralleling to when Zoro remembered first joining Luffy at the end of 1033. It's not very apparent, but Zoro and King do seem to contrast in various ways.

The Disciplined Warrior vs The Killing Machine
Man vs God
The Future of Samurai vs The Ghost of Lunarians

Hope the fight isn't over just yet, but given past examples, and this seemingly ending exactly like last chapter did, I'd say this is a done deal. What Zoro does next is going to be very interesting considering the discourse that's plagued this community since Wano began.
Spot on :kobeha:
Zoro Shiryu King have met their captains roughly through the same way
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