What is King’s real name?

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The fact that Sanji got so exhausted made Queen look even better, Queen knew this was coming

It's totally explained why Sanji was so fast, since the time he reappeared, used Ifrit Leg and detected Queen, Queen was chasing Osome even before that, it was like the time frooze for Sanji due to his speed, to the point Sanji could blitz Queen before he hits Osome

Thats some crazy ass speed :hohoho:

Only CoO masters and speedsters with immense durability can give Queen a hard fight, not even a question
Zoro will fight Kizaru. That's it.
Or, you know, Fuji the actual Admiral with a sword.
I'd prefer he kept the Sandai Kitetsu. He's had that sword for 90% of the story, and it's clear he has a sentimental attachment to all his blades, and wouldn't just exchange them if he didn't have to. It's also the only sword he can really call his own, since it had no notable wielder before it.
Eh, he's had Wado for many years longer (since he was a kid). I'd prefer if the Nidai plotline didn't just drop dead.
I dont think spoiler mentions King having CoC . Its remarkable he pushed Zoro to use AdCoC .

Overall i think King definitely has hype he is on another level . If people are still comparing him to doflamingo i really have to facepalm there is no way doflamingo can come close to his level.
I can't fathom how anyone could read that Sanji/Queen fight and be like : "Yup these guys are definitely stronger than Doflamingo and Dressrosa Luffy who wrecked an entire country with city level attacks"
Queen YC2 bounty is 1,320 bio

On paper he is stronger than..
Katakuri YC1 bounty is 1,057 bio
Doflamingo shichibukai bounty is 340 mio

And close to..
Marco YC1 bounty 1,375 bio

But for YC2 level that have very high bounty, the fight plotline is very very not dramatic though.. even less interesting plotline compared to jack fights, that having some history with minks..

It just like a sideline fight that even they talk about zoro vs king, and some germa tech for introducing sanji awakening cells..aside of that a flat fight..that even make me wonder what is queen's YC2 that can have 1,320 bio caliber..if the fight story just ended with new improved sanji kick..

*Not hating queen (he's the most unique fun livelt characters for YC though) & also not hating sanji..

It just a dissapointing important characters fight plotline..

Lol I predicted this chapter exactly in last week's spoilers

If this is Queen KO chapter, and next chapter is the last, Oda might just be planning Zoro KO chapter next. Hard to see how he's going to fit Lunarian abilities in but it's not impossible.

Something like

Page 1-2 Queen defeat announcements. King scoffing

Page 3-5 Zoro explaining/figuring out his Lunarian abilities.

Page 6-10 Dialogue/King flashback

Page 11-15 Prep for final clash

Page 16-17 Zoro KO double spread

But it might just be that Oda pushes it to next year.
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