What is King’s real name?

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Sanji a estado luchando desde que empezó onigashima..
VS randoms
VS black María
VS queen
VS queen y king
VS queen nuevamente.

Zoro también a estado luchando desde el inicio y a tenido duros ataques que habrían sido mortales. Frente a yonkou kaido

JODER, este sitio está lleno de cáncer, porque no le pueden dar el mérito tanto a sanji como a zoro por igual?
Derrotar a un YC1 Y YC2 es igual de meritorio e igual de importante y difícil segun el CP0 (ODA)

W para zoro y sanji.
Ambos monstruos
Sanji low diffed queen.
Zolo needs the power of plot armor to win. Good for him now king managed to weaken his defense himself cuz why the fuk not.
King is confirmed weakest YC1, he got the worst gimmick, only defense(who can be bypased by plot) and predictable attacks.
Katakuri wins mid diff vs Ling.
There's no argument to say he didn't needed.
Oda pumped up Zoro attack more for a reason and such was King.

I disagree with CoO or even speed being more useful.
Doesn't matter if you have a top notch CoO if you cant dish an amount of damage able to hurt King defense , king can simply choose to stay on defense mode and you will waste your energy away.

But if you can dish out a great amount of damage , an amount that hurts even his defense mode then King will be forced to change to speed mode to avoids your attacks.

In that moment you automatically gained an advantage cuz his speed mode will allow you to hit him harder than before.

By having good speed or coo you don't gain anything unless your damage is high enough.
There's no way to hurt his defense mod

His durability in that state is even higher than kaido's

So no it wasn't needed but plot progression demanded it just like sanji getting a speed buff was overkill
I don't understand why people rate kaidos speed above all others. Kaido isn't known as speedster like kizaru.
Kaidos top speed doesn't automatically mean katas slower. Just like with sanji.
Blitzing kiaid is a good feat but I don't see how it compares to snakeman vs future sight.

You think luffy could blitz kaido with snakeman right?
Sure, but Zoro didnt even use the fastest move vs Kaido,
Kaido bagua the first time was faster enough to one shot Luffy that had advcoo. That tell me he has very fast speed move and even if you predict the action you get hit anyway.
I disagree as he scarred Kaido and 2 it took Hakai too try to take Zoro out and he still got up and scarred Kaido... not neg diff
Zoro got negged in a 2v5. I honestly don't see how taking out the others and making it a 1v1 would help.

This was about Oden being above zoro originally. There's no way zoros doing what Oden did to kaido.

I agree it wouldn't be neg diff vs current zoro but it would still be low diff
p up p

Katakuri hits like a little girl
Apoo one shot him while Apoo failed to do any kinda real damage to Zoro.
Zoro than one shot Apoo

Kaido one shot Luffy without advCoC
Zoro no sold Big Moms named attack
Basically took no real damage and wasn't K.Oed from AdvCoC thunder bafua
Tanked the entire Hakai

Yet King's attacks were doing some real damage to Zoro

King's one wind scythe and I am not trolling when I tell you this, is stronger than any attack from Katakuri
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