So did you change your opion about Zoro's AdvCOC/COC coating my friend
Ugh i dunno about this really. The last attack didn't convince me as much (since its mainly black lightning without no-touch zone) but, Zoro's pushing King's sword gadgets away with the "explosion effect" is more convincing for me compared to the last panel. See, Katakuri slamming Luffy also had that black lightning effect.
- Kata cant do ranged attacks using only black lightning and nothing else.
- and Zoro doing that explosion to repel King's sword? Yeah i'm quite certain its AdvCoC.
So if its only from the art and depiction of using ONLY black lightning as an attack, yes, i guess what Zoro does is ranged CoC Coating (AdvCoC).
Something to add, i'm more curious about other art depiction for Zoro. There are smokey fire aura surrounding Zoro's swords since 1033 until now, its totally unexplained. Aesthetics? CoA? I wanna believe its Zoro's unique CoA since its like different from other things and its exclusively being emitted from Zoro's swords only. Those're not shown from any other fighter, just exclusive to Zoro.