What is King’s real name?

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Zoro Worshipper
Lmao so you started a convo with me just to tell me you don't wanna respond? Jfc dude is your head alright?

Reality is you got no refutes and your headcanon got broke. :beckmoji: foh low tier bait
What convo did I start?

You quote my messages with your nonsense all the time despite being unwanted. If I was a mod you would be gone from this site for how stupid your posts are.
Overall, fuji hasn't shown to be all that impressive, barring the fact that he is an admiral replacement of aokiji.
Your argument is that because zoro would have to wait another arc to fight fuji, therefore he cannot extreme diff fuji is invalid. The reason is that luffy will also not meet akainu until another arc at least, but akainu will need to extreme diff current luffy, assuming luffy will end up soloing kaido. The other flaw with your argument is that zoro might not even fight fuji at the end.

You have to look at the facts. Zoro has adv CoC now, he scarred kaido without even awakening his adv CoC fully.
Fuji might or might not even be able to scar kaido for all we know.
To now and say that zoro won't push fuji past high-diff based on the sheer evidence we see would be completely biased.
Zoro wont fight admirals nor will luffy they are beyond that. Fuji is almost a strawhat, greenbull seems like a good guy, they will be on strawhats side come the WAR. akaiunu will be defeated by Sabo and Kizaru will fight Sanji. Zoro will fight samurai Gorosei with shodai kitetsu 100%. Sorry to admiral fans


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Imagine Queen with significantly higher AP and much higher durability. That's King's defensive mode.

Imagine Queen with significantly higher AP and much higher speed. That's King's offensive mode.

In offensive mode, King's AP and durability are still head and shoulder above Katakuri, as per the portrayal of Ancient Zoan durability. And he has speed to at least keep up.

He doesn't need to use both at same time. He's great and incredibly strong in either one. And his AP remains same (magma fire attacks).

And no, CoA is part of physical offense. Mere fact that King can overwhelm Zoro in CQC who has his blades coated in CoA alone shows how great his Armament is.
Fuck the portrayal of Ancient Zoan durability. Speed form King is FAR more resilient than Queen by feats:
King tanked two named Haoshoku attacks from Zoro without his fire defence:

#1: When Zoro cut his mask:

#2: When he tried to blitz Zoro and Zoro counter attacked:

Even speed mode King is far too resilient for any High Tier.

King is clear of Marco and Katakuri.

@Tyki_Mikk, @Sentinel, @TheAncientCenturion, @ConquistadoR.
It took an ultimate attack from Haoshoku Zoro to defeat King in his speed form.

Looks like speed King tanked two. Both times he was hit this chapter was when his fire was off.

What's your take on King vs Queen (to what difficulty does Queen push King) now that both have been defeated?

King completely abandoned his fire defence this chapter. Perhaps it just doesn't work against Haoshoku coating attacks?
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