The pathetic attempts to downplay King though. But at this point, is there even a valid argument?
> King already clapped Marco while holding back
> King is able to produce magma attacks the size of a dragon
> King is able to endure adcoc slashes even without his durability boosting flames from highest AP adcoc Zoro
> King is fast enough for Zoro to only wait for a counter strike when Zoro himself is capable of high speed movement. This means King is even faster than "high speed movement" we've seen so far
> King has mountain range DC, high lethality, high AP (note Akainu with magma is stated to have high AP among DF users), high durability beyond Kaido's, high endurance, high range. Even his haki is strong enough to protect his sword from magma

Anyone downplaying him to Kuri or Marco's level is just Future sight