Character Discussion Big Mom was a mistake

was big mac a mistake?

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I'd say including her in Wano was the biggest mistake. Oda has to clown her so the plot keeps going as he wants. From the Amnesia to being clowned by fodder, it's really bad lol. I remember her being actually scary in WCI.

Shoulda just kept her for Elbaf or something
Big Mom is way better conceptualized than most One Piece characters, has a good design with a couple of smart ideas, her devil fruit is perfectly suited and, when done properly, hardly any other villain is as terrifying as she is. Also, her flashback's twist is among the best.

Her problem is Oda's execution, which is suffered by many, but overall she's far from a mistake.
I'd say including her in Wano was the biggest mistake. Oda has to clown her so the plot keeps going as he wants. From the Amnesia to being clowned by fodder, it's really bad lol. I remember her being actually scary in WCI.

Shoulda just kept her for Elbaf or something
I think oda wants elbaf to be ONLY for shanks
shes the best woman emperor sure

that fodder from chapter 1 was better written than big mac
No, when Oda wants to draw her as a villain she is way better and scarier than the others. Its just that she is too strong for the other characters so Oda goes out of his way to stall her.
I like Big Mom's backstory, is one of the best things Oda did.

But the way he treats her...

Look at those panels where Chopper and Usopp clown her, Franky in his bike slamming her face, the biggest reason WCI was a pain in the ass to read weekly was due to Big Mom's hunger pangs mode

But at this point its just a part of her character imo

When she is serious or pissed off, she is unevitably dangerous, and crazy strong to casually split the sky fighting Kaido, thats all that matters
Nah Big Mom is tha pinnacle of one of Odas biggest flaws as a writer….he can’t write well written physically powerful women. You jus notice it a lot more with Big Mom cause she’s tha strongest woman in tha series and an Emperor
It has nothing to do with her gender. The East Blue Villains were all clowns(Arlong nearly died to Bellemere), Wapol and Mr 3 were clowns, Enel was a Manchild who acted like a clown against Luffy, Moria was a clown too, Magellan literally spent most of his days in the toilet because of his stupidity, Hody....need I go on

I don't know why people pretend that Big Mom is One Piece's first clown villain
Big Mom is there for support. She is Oda's way out. Do not know what Oda would do without her. Analyze her character and see how Oda has used her. She is being used as a story driver, she is the Golden Chicken for Oda, while you are saying she is useless.
Nah Big Mom is tha pinnacle of one of Odas biggest flaws as a writer….he can’t write well written physically powerful women. You jus notice it a lot more with Big Mom cause she’s tha strongest woman in tha series and an Emperor
Folk also notice it with Linlin because Oda insists on giving her far too much panel time.

When most folk suck at something and do not improve then they tend to simply avoid doing it. Suck at writing romance? Don't write romance. Problem solved.

Suck at writing decent female fighters? Do a Baki and just have tonnes of muscle bound blokes pounding each other.

Nobody is going to notice that you are bad at something if you just flat out don't do it. Lel.