Do you believe these spoilers ?

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Luffy running out of G4 is not being defeated. WTF is wrong with people who says that?

Even now Kaido is hitting Luffy much more than Luffy is hitting here but MC plot armor makes he feels nothing about that.

Didn't got your point about Kid and ACoC. Just gonna drop here that without ACoC BM is not gonna be defeated.
technically it is, because during that time, Zoro&Law saved luffy 3 times.
So yes Luffy running out of hacky against 2 Yonkos is = to defeat :myman:
hiyori is really a whore, can't she just kill orochi, why does she still have to play music for him, or is she waiting for her knight in shinning armor (zoro or that other samurai) to save her
Ryuma's tomb... very intriguing

you know i have a theory about Sanji's sibs actually being modified mechanized humans

-Queen said that Sanji's not wearing RS hence he can't go invisible but Queen can coz Queen is a cyborg.

- Queen being a cyborg.. he assumed sanji's leg was a machine..

- Queen replicated every germa ability except for reiju's DF ability..

Queen claims that he has studied germa sciences

so in theory if he knows everything then he knows that you can get laser eyes and electricity or cyborg arm like Yonji's by genetic modification

coz if we assume that how the sibs got their abilities then we're assuming that Queen genetically modified himself..

but that wouldn't make sense coz the sibs were modified in their mom's womb

So this point alot on the fact that sanji's sibs are actually cyborgs except for reiju.. but sanji os 100 human

what's more odd is that Queen mentions that Judge wanted superhuman speed, agility, exoskeleton... nothing is mentioned regarding eye lasers and electricity..

so it can't possibly be that germ sibs (expect reiju) abilities are genetic not can they..

idk man but sanji's fire is anything but a machine leg or genetically modified into him only
All of the sibs can use their respective abilities without the RS to some extent...probably that means it's genes related thing..
I don't understand how judge would be able to turn'em into cyborgs in their mother's womb..
As far as we know, RS fonction is to enhance sibs abilities.. And boost their techniques... + durab+speed..
If sanji's sibs are cyborgs.. Why didn't judge give each one them all the abilities...that would make'em even stronger..
queen managed to copy Germa's tech by experimenting on himself... The same way Vegapunck created the Pacifista..
Personally, i think queen can't use germa's tech as good as judge's sons because he's trying to copy the product (result=ability) instead of copying the source and the cause of it (genes) ..
So It's highly a genes thing.. Where u can only modify a gene and give 01 special abil.. To each sibl.

I'm not sure about sanji's fire ability..he's the only one among his sibs to be able to conjure and manipulate fire.. Even before his germa modified genes started kicking in...
Queen seemed clueless about sanji's fire..

So, Is it a Haki thing?! ... Lunarian thing?!
I have no idea.. And this chapter confuses me more..
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"Zoro is done for the arc"

They never learn
Anti-Zoro Pirates...

....after 997: "Zoro vs Queen this arc."

....after 1000: " Zoro is up there for photo-ops and fanservice. Queen will catch up to him."

....after 1001: "Zoro can't hurt Kaido. He's going down next chapter to fight Queen."

....after 1004: "Zoro sliced Kaido, okay, but he's not doing much after this."

....after 1009: "Zoro already tanked Hakai for one second before Law teleported him although it took forever for the other SNs to move out and the manga showed Zoro redirecting Hakai to the skies. He's done for this arc."

....after 1010: "Zoro can't even knock Kaido despite scarring him for life. Zoro is done for this arc."

....after 1032: "Where is Zoro mid-diffing King? The drug wears off after this, he is having an extreme diff fight and then he is done for this arc."

....after 1033: "Mastering Adv. CoC is the last thing Zoro will do before being done this arc."

....after 1035: "Zoro killed a flame Dragon. Oda won’t draw the same thing twice. There's your ZKK. Happy now? Zoro’s done for the arc."

....after 1036: "Zoro passes out after fighting King. He's done for this arc."

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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
The year is 2030…sea levels have risen high enough to consume multiple island nations…every country is embroiled in sociopolitical scandals that prevent any open discussion between warring factions…our natural resources have been fully depleted for years…life seems crueler than ever before…and Luffy and Kaido both seem to be showing signs of wearing down, this battle may be coming to an end in the next couple of years…
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