If spoilers are true, cp0 is insane and no one in onigashima can take them up appart from Yamato, Jimbei, Marco, Denjiro (Sanji and Zoro most likely fainted)
Apoo and drake are not on that level of main guy's like kid law zoro and sanji, they are no where near them. Zoro law sanji and kid will mid diff this cp0 guy's individuals. I can even say zoro and maybe law will low diff them.
I would say Zoro is the shining light that covers Oda's shit writing in post-timskip. As long as Zoro fans are happy One Piece will always be in the top 10/12 selling mangas. Though the real Zoro fans are unhappy to what Oda has done to Zoro, they prefer oldschool Zoro. But everyone to their own... I guess!
The fuck? Zoro didn't even got 1/10 of the highlight and the spotlight Luffy got post-TS (at least before Wano arc comes knocking). How can Zoro be the main shining factor of Oda's half-assing of post-TS?
So we have 3 straw hat with numbers: (maybe luffy too but we read only the 0 and 1 number is missing)
Jimbe 10, Usopp 04 and Zoro 02
Zoro has something like Made RIPPLES (something like that). There is an eagle and something written NE
Luffy every drop in the ocean coun(t)
Brook: High Tide
There there is a building Le Soleil L967 - (the sun with that number ..967 (dont know if it is L or a number)
The fuck? Zoro didn't even got 1/10 of the highlight and the spotlight Luffy got post-TS (at least before Wano arc comes knocking). How can Zoro be the main shining factor of Oda's half-assing of post-TS?
Finally got some time to check those spoilers in detail.
Honestly, I'm liking this chapter. Yeah fuck the Hokage stuff but I'm sure Oda is just trolling with it for the lols. Don't expect them to get an entire combat chapter.
- King
- Yamato needing time to defeat a number
- CP0 was not humiliated that's great
Oda is highlighting Captain and Right hand man relationship a lot more than other dynamics in this arc. E.g Kaido and King’s and Kidd Killer. King and Zoro got another little flashback with Luffy in this chapter.
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