Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Oda literally custom made an Admiral for Sanji to fight, with a green pallet so people can pretend Sanji is kicking Zoro's ass.
I'm, currently, totally on board for Sanji vs Ryo instead of Sanji vs Kizaru.
Let's be honest. The Sanji vs Kizaru was merely something that came from an OP opening, because Zoro fought Fuji there (swordsman and clash in Dressrosa), Luffy vs Akainu is a given, while Sanji and Kizaru were the remaining ones. So they were put there in the opening clashing.
That's the "birth" of "sanji vs kizaru".
Now, for someone that "eating" and "hunger" are pivotal themes, some Admiral that "doesn't even bother to eat" because he finds it "a pain in the ass" is either a good "shadow", or an extremely trash bait.
I'm gonna put the scraps of faith in Oda that he's not just baiting this.
I expect Greenbull to be a Rokushiki Master, like the best one the Navy ever had

So strong that he created several new techniques to teach the Marines

Thats why i bet he has a Mythical Zoan DF, that way it would fit his martial artist fighting style and give an amazing fight for Sanji

Otherwise, i can't think about another DF power for GB to have, honestly.
Let's be honest. The Sanji vs Kizaru was merely something that came from an OP opening, because Zoro fought Fuji there (swordsman and clash in Dressrosa), Luffy vs Akainu is a given, while Sanji and Kizaru were the remaining ones. So they were put there in the opening clashing.
That's the "birth" of "sanji vs kizaru".
lol no

Kizaru's introduction was the birth of Sanji vs Kizaru
