Nah, this one gonna please almost everyone, trust me.
The only way this pleases everyone is if
Two silhouetted figures actually saves xdrake. We find out that it's both coby and boa. Which would be awesome since boa can fight cp0 as a way of getting back at the world government for having her and her sisters as slaves in the past. And coby could redeem the sword title. It will be sword vs shield (two separate factions of the world government). Coby tells helmeppo and boa tell her sisters that they got this!!!!!!!
Sanji gets healed by chopper and gets up. His mission is to protect robin along side brook from cp0.
Zoro gets healed by hiyori who reminds him of the reason why she gave him Emna in the first place with zoro having an inner monologue about him wanting to live up to the expectations of the blades that choose him as well as to his captains ideals but more so to his own pledge at being the greatest swordsman.
Momo meets up with his sis with both being emotional but both agreeing that now is not the time and instead pulls up on orochi
Luffy gets folded only to get back up thinking about why he is doing what he is doing. The last panel ends with both luffy and zoro against kaido and kidd and law against bigmom with both sides giving their last stand.