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Trust me. The fights in H x H are legit incredibly well done animated or not animated. H x H starts off a bit slow but really picks up. Theres a reason I'm a die hard H x H stan. It's legit the best Shounen of all time without a doubt in my mind. It does everything it needs to do incredibly well. There are no Mary Sues, the world cha1nges even without the main characters, and the villains are incredibly well written.
Man I really love Chrollo. Not seeing a story with Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi and Tserridnich in it is a shame tbh.

One thing I am excited for is Kurapika vs Chrollo. Probably will be the best fight ever. Chrollo will probably find a way to break out of Chain jail even in a state of Zetsu. I just have no idea how he will do it. But I bet he already has plans for Kurapika just like he did for Hisoka. No way he will let someone OP against him like Kurapika have the advantage.
I’m skeptical of this idea tbh lol.

I think @Owl Ki and @Edward Teach will probably appreciate this, but I think Kingdom has utterly ruined Shonen Fights for me lol.

I used to think fights like Lee vs Gara, Luffy VS Lucci, Deku vs Todoroki, etc..fights of that kind were the greatest fights ever,

And then I read Kingdom where literally every individual major fight utterly dwarfs the best fights from all other manga lol.

And just this morning I watched episode 19 of Demon Slayer which Shonen fans say is where Demon Slayer made its claim for having one of the best fights in Shonen..but after watching the fight, I just thought it was pretty good, but still not as good as most major fights in Kingdom lol.

I really feel like Kingdom has almost perfected the art of the Shonen, and even the highest points of other Shonen are simply on par with every Kingdom fight lol.

So idk if I can enjoy Shonen anymore when even the incredibly praised Demon Slayer fight in ep. 19 was just “pretty good” for me lol.
To be fair, I have only read three shonen mangas.

One Piece, MHA and Trigun.

Post-TS One Piece fights are usually filled with someone acting stupid and forgetting an important ability that would have logically won them the fight. I would like to think that this is not the case in most Pre-TS fights but that might just be my biased nostalgia talking.

MHA usually has one good fight each arc, two at most. Minor fights in MHA are usually utter curb stomps however, which is pretty disappointing.

Trigun barely even counts as a shonen. It only had about 18-20 chapters before the story transformed into a seinen (Trigun MAXIMUM) under a different publisher. Trigun fights (both series) are actually quite creative in their use of guns, cybernetics, tech and the fact that the protagonist deliberately handicaps himself with his own morality. Trigun MAXIMUM’s fights in particular could be utterly brutal at times.

The main difference between Kingdom and the aforementioned shonens is the character interaction. Everyone Luffy fights is an objectionable scumbag, I just do not find MHA antagonists actually interesting and Trigun did not become good until MAXIMUM.

In terms of quality of fights, in my opinion, Kingdom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trigun MAXIMUM >>>>>>> One Piece >>> MHA >>>> Trigun (shonen only).
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To be fair, I have only read three shonen mangas.

One Piece, MHA and Trigun.

Post-TS One Piece fights are usually filled with someone acting stupid and forgetting an important ability that would have logically won them the fight. I would like to think that this is not the case in most Pre-TS fights but that might just be my biased nostalgia talking.

MHA usually has one good fight each arc, two at most. Minor fights in MHA are usually utter curb stomps however, which is pretty disappointing.

Trigun barely even counts as a shonen. It only had about 18-20 chapters before the story transformed into a seinen (Trigun MAXIMUM) under a different publisher. Trigun fights (both series) are actually quite creative in their use of guns, cybernetics, tech and the fact that the protagonist deliberately handicaps himself with his own morality. Trigun MAXIMUM’s fights in particular could be utterly brutal at times.

The main difference between Kingdom and the aforementioned shonens is the character interaction. Everyone Luffy fights is an objectionable scumbag, I just do not find MHA antagonists actually interesting and Trigun did not become good until MAXIMUM.

In terms of quality of fights, in my opinion, Kingdom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trigun MAXIMUM >>>>>>> One Piece >>> MHA >>>> Trigun (shonen only).
HxH >>>>>> OP. HxH became pure Seinen as well in the 5th arc, whilst it had elements of it in early arcs.

Give it a try :neesama:


Zoro Worshipper
HxH >>>>>> OP. HxH became pure Seinen as well in the 5th arc, whilst it had elements of it in early arcs.

Give it a try :neesama:
I agree Shizuku > any OP waifu

But I can't agree for the simple fact OP is more complete than HxH under any possible perspective: from character development to vastity of the world to plot etc.
I will try HxH if you try Trigun. :myman:

Only the manga though. The anime is complete and utter irredeemable shite. :odenugh:
Er....:emohiyo:. Kinda in the middle of 5 animes that im forcing myself to get through. Finishing Deathnote is my next priority. Im in the middle and I forggot where I was.

I reccomend the 1999 anime for the first arc and the 2011 for the rest. The manga has inconsistent art and a lot of dialouge. Still amazing though when its time to carry it on.

You wont regret it.:zosmug:


The only one who can beat me is me
I’m skeptical of this idea tbh lol.

I think @Owl Ki and @Edward Teach will probably appreciate this, but I think Kingdom has utterly ruined Shonen Fights for me lol.

I used to think fights like Lee vs Gara, Luffy VS Lucci, Deku vs Todoroki, etc..fights of that kind were the greatest fights ever,

And then I read Kingdom where literally every individual major fight utterly dwarfs the best fights from all other manga (except Berserk baby)

And just this morning I watched episode 19 of Demon Slayer which Shonen fans say is where Demon Slayer made its claim for having one of the best fights in Shonen..but after watching the fight, I just thought it was pretty good, but still not as good as most major fights in Kingdom lol.

I really feel like Kingdom has almost perfected the art of the Shonen, and even the highest points of other Shonen are simply on par with every Kingdom fight lol.

So idk if I can enjoy Shonen anymore when even the incredibly praised Demon Slayer fight in ep. 19 was just “pretty good” for me lol.
Tbh Chrollo vs Hisoka is the worst recommendation anyone can possibly give you, it'll make zero sense to you. Heck it makes no sense to most HxH fans because of how complex and convoluted it is. It's not even aesthetically pleasing, not some back and forth of beautiful panels, it's just raw tactics.

Btw I don't think giving HxH 5 eps is a fair way to assess the entire work, HxH isn't like recent shows coming out, targeting the short attention spans of today's consumers. Where episode 1 has to go from zero to 100 in order to even air. The world expands more organically. It's not trying to wow you at the very first moments, just build a base. It can be hard to trust when every other product today (not just anime, think of music or any other form of entertainment) is doing a make or break formula off the bat, there is so much information to consume at such a fast pace in today's world, that people don't want to sit there and give time to just 1 product. If one thing isn't giving instant gratification, on to the next. On the other hand it makes me appreciate when something does try to build itself properly.

Also I don't get the comparison between the fights you mentioned and Kingdom fights, Kingdom is about warfare, it doesn't even have exceptional 1v1 fight choreography, it's the narrative around the battle as a whole which makes it enjoyable. Objectively speaking the individual fights themselves (strictly speaking on choreography, movements, abilities.) are limited. It's a weird comparison to make to Naruto, MHA, OP fights, that's more of a preference thing. Gritty realistic combat vs fantasy.

And just this morning I watched episode 19 of Demon Slayer which Shonen fans say is where Demon Slayer made its claim for having one of the best fights in Shonen..but after watching the fight, I just thought it was pretty good, but still not as good as most major fights in Kingdom lol.
I recently watched this too, mediocre at best. The conclusion to that fight sacrificed any prior logic or buildup for the sake of theatrics and a feel good moment, which sort of reflects Demon Slayer as a whole thus far imo. So far it's definitely enjoyable as a casual watch, but there is no weight behind scenes, most plot points lack buildup. I can see the potential with the Hashira though, and the main villain himself is promising but not necessarily the writing around him, finishing the anime didn't necessarily leave me wanting more, so I'll hold off on reading the manga.


@Admiral Lee Hung You have to at least read Chrollo vs Hisoka. It's legit one of the best Shounen fights all time!
To keep it a buck with you that fight had me going:
To go along with the shit art and the very very very long speech bubbles it made the entire fight just hard to sit through and read. An anime adaptation of it would be better possibly.