Oda did a great job when it comes to Luffy in WCI....
- He has awesome captain moments in WCI like understanding Sanji pain, didn't attack him or defend against him because he knows about him and his pain more than anyone else.
- Helping Nami when she was shit scared by Bigmom,
- Dude went as far as about to tear up his hands just to rescue Sanji when Pudding exposed her true nature D
- Didn't lose composure when everyone devastated about pedro death and removed immediate threat to his crew from that place,
- Gave utmost confidence and assurance to his crew when they were chased by Bigmom even when he is in bad condition against Katakuri.
- Awesome fight between Luffy and Katakuri.
If anything Oda didn't give any impactful moments of Luffy in wano outside of fighting feats and chapter 949, 1000. His fight with Kaido is so far like one attack from Kaido and one attack from Luffy and rest of the chapter is about something else. I hope there will be one full focused chapter of Luffy vs Kaido before Oda makes half chapter fight + half chapter of other events because flow is missing. And breaks are also not helping either. Hope he sticks to his word of "pay attention to Luffy".