A generation of weak men

I think you have a point,by the way i think both men and women in general are weaker than their ancestors,its not about gender or gender stereotypes. For example,i dont think the modern man is "less than a man" because he likes the color pink or because he is comfortable with bisexuality or homosexuality. That is actually good,and its progress. And i dont think the modern woman is less than a woman because she now has a job and is more indipendent. I think the modern man and woman are less than a man and a woman because they have a weaker attitude! Once upon a time there were bigger problem,like,real problem,like how to survive daily,and also you had to work for everything,even for having some light when it was dark,you had to turn on some candles,instead to just push a button. If you had to search for an information,you had to take some books and get to read them,until you finally found the info,unlike now where you can find an info with your phone in a few minutes. You had to do more work,physical work in general,since you were little,and that formed you,and made you grow up and improve more,and quickier! Also,people were some severe in their judgement towards others,and sometimes they were "too much severe" (for example: believing that homosexuality was a choice or a illness,or believing that a man who wasnt able to fix an object wasnt a real man) but at the same time,i believe this severity made people more determined to succeed in their goals,because they knew they had to work hard to get their goals. Nowadays,instead,some people still feels under pressure,but some other people instead always gets said,even by the media "Oh,its not your fault! Society is evil!" or "Are you sad? You are probably mentally ill,take this pill,its not your fault!" working hard to improve yourself? Hell not! Better to take some pills,amrite? So i think nowadays both men and women have made some good progresses on fighting gender stereotypes,and thats good,but at the same time society is becoming too much soft,because media keep giving bad examples to people,often saying "Oh its not your fault,is society's fault,its your (fake) illness's fault,its that politician's fault" and giving all these excuses to people,they dont help them to grow. Motivational videos or mental coach werent needed back in the day,because that way of thinking belonged to almost any person alive,because almost everyone was fighting for their lives since their early years,or was losing beloved people for illnesses or wars since their early years,and that made them grow more and grow quickier,they were wiser people overall,they understood better the nature of life,which is made of both suffering and good moments,even little moments can be very good. One could say "But there were richer people back in the past too" thats true,but altough they had an easier life than poor people,they had a harder life than our modern one anyway,because they didnt had our technology,and royal people often had to reign since they were 15 years old or even younger,etc. In conclusion,i think modern society is weaker because of too much comfort that we receive from technology,and also because the people in charge of the world wants us to be weaker,so we are easily controlled. So trough their media they send always worse and worse teachings to the people,in order to make people weaker,drugged,and unwilling to fight for theirselves. But,at the same time,i believe there is always the chance for us to rebel to all of this,and developing a strong attitude,its all in our hands.
I think you have a point,by the way i think both men and women in general are weaker than their ancestors,its not about gender or gender stereotypes. For example,i dont think the modern man is "less than a man" because he likes the color pink or because he is comfortable with bisexuality or homosexuality. That is actually good,and its progress. And i dont think the modern woman is less than a woman because she now has a job and is more indipendent. I think the modern man and woman are less than a man and a woman because they have a weaker attitude! Once upon a time there were bigger problem,like,real problem,like how to survive daily,and also you had to work for everything,even for having some light when it was dark,you had to turn on some candles,instead to just push a button. If you had to search for an information,you had to take some books and get to read them,until you finally found the info,unlike now where you can find an info with your phone in a few minutes. You had to do more work,physical work in general,since you were little,and that formed you,and made you grow up and improve more,and quickier! Also,people were some severe in their judgement towards others,and sometimes they were "too much severe" (for example: believing that homosexuality was a choice or a illness,or believing that a man who wasnt able to fix an object wasnt a real man) but at the same time,i believe this severity made people more determined to succeed in their goals,because they knew they had to work hard to get their goals. Nowadays,instead,some people still feels under pressure,but some other people instead always gets said,even by the media "Oh,its not your fault! Society is evil!" or "Are you sad? You are probably mentally ill,take this pill,its not your fault!" working hard to improve yourself? Hell not! Better to take some pills,amrite? So i think nowadays both men and women have made some good progresses on fighting gender stereotypes,and thats good,but at the same time society is becoming too much soft,because media keep giving bad examples to people,often saying "Oh its not your fault,is society's fault,its your (fake) illness's fault,its that politician's fault" and giving all these excuses to people,they dont help them to grow. Motivational videos or mental coach werent needed back in the day,because that way of thinking belonged to almost any person alive,because almost everyone was fighting for their lives since their early years,or was losing beloved people for illnesses or wars since their early years,and that made them grow more and grow quickier,they were wiser people overall,they understood better the nature of life,which is made of both suffering and good moments,even little moments can be very good. One could say "But there were richer people back in the past too" thats true,but altough they had an easier life than poor people,they had a harder life than our modern one anyway,because they didnt had our technology,and royal people often had to reign since they were 15 years old or even younger,etc. In conclusion,i think modern society is weaker because of too much comfort that we receive from technology,and also because the people in charge of the world wants us to be weaker,so we are easily controlled. So trough their media they send always worse and worse teachings to the people,in order to make people weaker,drugged,and unwilling to fight for theirselves. But,at the same time,i believe there is always the chance for us to rebel to all of this,and developing a strong attitude,its all in our hands.
Basically everyone now are snowflakes. Everything is offensive. Everyone needs to get cancelled. No one can take a joke.
yeah yeah keep reviving it
Common sense, don't revive them
This thread reeks of insecurity and sexism.
get your T levels checked asap

while feminine men were viewed as inferior in the past they are now widely accepted by our degenerate society.
freaks of all sorts now get a pass and the result is an erosion of values. a broken moral compass.
we live in a society where its become cool and fashionable to be a pussy.
this may sound like progress at first, but in reality it will open the door for masculine men to take advantage. either inside or outside of each country.

bottom line. get fit and do something competetive.
get your T levels checked asap

while feminine men were viewed as inferior in the past they are now widely accepted by our degenerate society.
freaks of all sorts now get a pass and the result is an erosion of values. a broken moral compass.
we live in a society where its become cool and fashionable to be a pussy.
this may sound like progress at first, but in reality it will open the door for masculine men to take advantage. either inside or outside of each country.

bottom line. get fit and do something competetive.
There are more fit guys today then there has ever been in history.

It's literally impossible to be fit and work a Blue Collar Job/Farming at the same time. I worked at a factory and everyone there was fat. Meanwhile all the fit guys I know work in High Tech or jobs that doesn't destroy their stamina