Current Events Drunk Mode isn't suppose to be taken seriously


Zoro Worshipper
You have a point cause, at the end of the day, those are the words of a drunk.

Fact is, imo, that drunk Kaido ain't supposed to be a PU (like Linlin's 1 year sacrifice/Bigger mode) but just as a state in which his fighting style is more moody and unpredictable, making it tougher for the opponents.
This is showed in his frequent switches between Hybrid, Full Zoan & Human forms.
Drunk Kaido kinda feels like a way from Oda to stall the fight imo and also hint that Luffy is pr not good enough in Base to defeat Kaido hehe
I totally forgot that one of the excuse that was used to explain why Kaido get ragdolled by G3 was that he was drunk. And people said that G3 did nothing to him but in the last chapter we learn that :

-Drunk mode is a power up that makes his haki go stronger
-You need to actually hurt Kaido to make him goes out of Drunk mode ( therefore depowering him)


-G3 ragdolled Kaido at his strongest
-G3 actually hurt Kaido
-G4 did nothing to Kaido
-G4 get one shot by a weaker Kaido

The more the time is passing the more the first Luffy vs Kaido encounter seems to be a big ass outlier or Oda forget about it:kayneshrug:
didn't you make the same retcon argument about why Kid and Law were damaging big mom?
Dude its just a manga. Just accept what Oda puts out.

In this chapter Kaido wasn't merely drunk, he was using a different style of fighting, drunken boxing. Is drunken boxing actually an effective way of fighting? Probably not, but kung fu in general is an ineffective form of fighting.

Like I said, its a manga for kids. You don't need to overanalyze everything.
didn't you make the same retcon argument about why Kid and Law were damaging big mom?
Dude its just a manga. Just accept what Oda puts out.

In this chapter Kaido wasn't merely drunk, he was using a different style of fighting, drunken boxing. Is drunken boxing actually an effective way of fighting? Probably not, but kung fu in general is an ineffective form of fighting.

Like I said, its a manga for kids. You don't need to overanalyze everything.
gotta dissagree for the kids part :hope:
Why Oda can't hold him from retconning everything on One Piece?

Kaido's is being drunk almost every time he shows up.

Since Kaido seems to only gets sad and suicidal when he drunks it is pretty safe to assume he was drunk when he first met Kid's alliance.

He was also drunk when he first met and fought Luffy at beginning of Wano.

He was drunk when Scabbards attacked him. And at the same night he even took more sake and then fought Yamato.

Everybody only fought drunk Kaido. Not sure about BM though. And most of these encounters Kaido got hurt but it seem he didn't against BM.

That said, drunk Kaido is nerf Kaido. Stupid to think otherwise. Doesn't matter what Oda makes Kaido say. Words of a drunk man means nothing. Kaido says something but shows another. Drunk Kaido is bullshit portrayal while sober Kaido is real shit feat wise.
Well said. You got it right. Start a YouTube channel. Believe me you are good at it. I dont know what is stopping you fron doing it. Is it initial funding, or you dont have time? I will be the first one to dislike that shitty video. Because WG dont have a dislike button.
Because One Piece/Oda is failling for a long time in a basic principle of writing/making people believe what you want. Actions means more than words/One image worths a thousand words. Oda is saying thing but not showing things. Oda is saying Luffy is strong, win against Katakuri, is right now 1v1 Kaido. But he is showing Luffy getting beat by people 100% sure weaker than him, unconclusive fights, losing and getting beating a lot just to come back stronger without any explanation why he became stronger from getting beat.
This has nothing to do with what I explained. Kaido is the king of onis, expecting him be nerfed while drunk and lying about his strength is ignoring the lore behind the character. You have no case at applying human logic to this creature.

Also, Oda isn't retconning anything: this is the first time since chapter 824 that we see Kaido being drunk enough to shift between moods. If back then we had him going from depressed to angry and showing different "drunk personalities" (as stressed by his subordinates) yet this hadn't been seen in any other instance until now, the inference is that we hadn't seen him like that again until now. On top of this, it's completely false that Kaido says one thing but shows another: he went more beastly than ever this last chapter thanks to alcohol and Luffy commented on his haki getting stronger.

The difference between being tipsy and totally drunk, I guess.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Drunk Kaido kinda feels like a way from Oda to stall the fight imo and also hint that Luffy is pr not good enough in Base to defeat Kaido hehe
Oda told you all that???

You are just going out sad. Ever since Oda shattered your headcanon about Zoro being stronger than Luffy, you have been downplaying Luffy like crazy
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Why Oda can't hold him from retconning everything on One Piece?

Kaido's is being drunk almost every time he shows up.

Since Kaido seems to only gets sad and suicidal when he drunks it is pretty safe to assume he was drunk when he first met Kid's alliance.

He was also drunk when he first met and fought Luffy at beginning of Wano.

He was drunk when Scabbards attacked him. And at the same night he even took more sake and then fought Yamato.

Everybody only fought drunk Kaido. Not sure about BM though. And most of these encounters Kaido got hurt but it seem he didn't against BM.

That said, drunk Kaido is nerf Kaido. Stupid to think otherwise. Doesn't matter what Oda makes Kaido say. Words of a drunk man means nothing. Kaido says something but shows another. Drunk Kaido is bullshit portrayal while sober Kaido is real shit feat wise.
How is Drunk Kaido a nerf when he just said the opposite:kobeha:
Luffy is fighting a much stronger and serious Kaido. Not his fault the scabbards and Novas couldn't present him a challenge. Making threads about how Drunk Kaido is a nerf won't change manga facts.

His Haki is getting stronger, he is fighting seriously and Luffy is the the only one who can go toe to toe with him. Not Zoro, Law, Kid, Kin or whoever. It is written in bold. Only Luffy:giogio:
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