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Fair enough. Then we can divide our votes to both scum and town reads, 2 votes to our town read and 1 vote to our scum read but we have to take it into consideration that mafia will try to get rid of the member of councils as soon as possible if all of them are trusted towns, but this will not be the case if they are part of that council and will eventually out themselves in some desperate attempt to save their people.
Then I have already completed this task, since I will be voting for TAC xD
since when are you wary of those things??
I never ever wanted any council position or be captain as Town. I don't get why it's so hard to understand and why you guys are always asking me the same question, despite knowing that I just don't want such positions from several of my Town games with similar scenarios. The times in which I wanted to lead Town are just no more. It has to happen naturally by me having decent reads in a game, but else there's no point.

Never give up!

AL sama

Red Haired
I never ever wanted any council position or be captain as Town. I don't get why it's so hard to understand and why you guys are always asking me the same question, despite knowing that I just don't want such positions from several of my Town games with similar scenarios. The times in which I wanted to lead Town are just no more. It has to happen naturally by me having decent reads in a game, but else there's no point.

Never give up!
that doesn't answer what I asked
I mean, I can join a Council, but if I have s*** reads I only ruin Town. Getting such positions later, though? If I see my reads or play are decent, I'm willing to do such a job. For example, getting crowned in All Stars when I figured Zemmi was scum.

Never give up!
I mean, I can join a Council, but if I have s*** reads I only ruin Town. Getting such positions later, though? If I see my reads or play are decent, I'm willing to do such a job. For example, getting crowned in All Stars when I figured Zemmi was scum.

Never give up!
With such low spirits you can never be the savior of Town, what kind of detective are you even?

AL sama

Red Haired
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