Lucky for you all we have been doing is talking about who we want on council, and who we would like our partners to be. However, I do recommend reading because you never know what you will find. I'm sorry you are so behind though.
Lucky for you all we have been doing is talking about who we want on council, and who we would like our partners to be. However, I do recommend reading because you never know what you will find. I'm sorry you are so behind though.
Exactly the only problem if we get too many scums on there and we lose a lot of town and the scum remain on there, it will be a major hurdle for us to overcome.
My fellow townies! Vote me for councilor! I promise to lead us to glory, we will smoke that scum pack like no other in this game! You won't even have to pay taxes!
As a councilor, I will ensure that us townies will delve into the layers of the abyss without experiencing any negative effects! I will ensure that town will receive the best artificats the abyss has to offer! I will build a museum for each individual townie to honor them after we have won this game! You eant Taco Tuesdays? You will have it! As a politician for town, you can rest assured that I am 100% trustworthy and will never break my promises.
Vote Drago for councilor! Vote for the towniest townie!
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