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Certified Memelord
ekk I don’t really care that’s not why you were chosen for your alignment like don’t need to look into and make a thing jeez
how does it even work, like do we dive 1 lvl by lvl or what happens
also u can have abilities that harm people in the same level as u
i need to be with sm1 i can atleast trust

it seemed random i was tagged to it
need to see sallu's reasoning behind it


There's no "Tina!"
What about all the scummy stuff she's done which I've laid out? How does that conflict with your read on her? Same question to you @Hayumi
Going off of memory, I think I would give her townie posts precedence over the scummy ones you mentioned. I also think the way she's acted for now seems to be her townie mindset where she accuses her accusers of being scum when they tunnel her too much.

I'm delving solo for the first cycle. Will join up later mostly.
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