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Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
Something concrete? Not yet. It's just a feeling because of the game's flow. It was mostly Drago's bad tunnel, so that gives Mafia room to slip under the radar or to just not contribute much.

I think Drago, Zemmi, Tris/Yae and Lind are just Town from all this. Ultra feels Townie, too. Mango's take on Ekko looks like something a Townie would think, too. I am Town. Among the higher posters, Hayumi, Ekko and Fuji are a bit scummy. Adam might also just be Town, but it's just a tiny lean.

Life is wonderful!
Okay I also don't have concrete but my top town leans atm are Ultra, Adam and Misty. Next comes Mango and Rej.
I'm kinda dodgy about the rest and feel like they can go either way.


There's no "Tina!"
Of course you dont

it’s never the people who push a player, it’s always the ones that push the incentive of the players pushing that are scum! I feel my reasoning was obvious?
Disagree here just from personal experience. I've pushed the incentive of those pushing other players when I find them to be wrong before as town. Don't think this is all that alignment indicative tbh.


This forum is retarded.
yes rej im down think we still needa pick a location or smth for the adventure thingy

putting in effort to think rn is making me tired
Nope we delve next phase. Already tried to solo delve in DM but novas said I should wait. Maybe we get a delving chat later. Aye. I will roll a dice between 1-4 later down the line. Or create a more exciting fortune game.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
so the council members in total are 10?
can elaborate more on this council thingi ;-;

imagine if we just give scum another platform to conspire against us
Here you go :)

We need to put Town in there

Special Game Mechanics -

After the last events on Sabaody Archipelago, the Weebs were finally ready to turn the page on the darkest period of their history. The victors of that fateful day went west to find a new home for their community of weebs. After months and months of travel, they've finally found an inhabitable world that reminded them of their old home. It wasn't long before they started remodeling it in the image of their world in the hope of a better future...

The Abyss - How To Get Around

The Weebs are living on an Island at the center of which is located a colossal pit, also known as 'The Abyss'. The Abyss is divided into sections called 'Layers', each having its own ecosystem and locations. Each player in the game is a [Delver], someone that can enter 'The Abyss' and look for treasure. There are ranks amongst Delvers, and the higher someone's rank is, the deeper in The Abyss they can go without suffering any consequences. Each layer has its own artifacts which are gadgets that work like abilities (Post 4), and during the night phase, a player may send in their action to visit one of the layers the following cycle.
[Delving] - Each night, you may submit an action in your role PM and choose a layer to visit. You will spend the following day canvassing that layer looking for artifacts. Each layer has an associated effect from the curse. (Post 3)
[Curse of the Abyss] - These are symptoms someone may experience when diving into the Abyss. The deeper someone goes, the stronger the effects are. Depending on a player's rank, the effects are either amplified or reduced. Unless specified otherwise in your role PM, you will be affected by it.​
[Seeker Camp] - At night, you will join a [Seeker Camp] specific for the layer you are in, alongside all the delvers in that layer.​
[Party] [Optional] - Players may opt to form a party of 3, and delve together. The skills of the higher ranked delver amongst them will be used for any artifact found by the party. At the end of the day, Delvers will learn about everything found, and divided it amongst themselves.​
[Expeditions] - Starting Day 2, quests will be offered by the [Delvers Guild HQ]. Quests will grant prizes to Delvers that complete them. Each quest will differ from the other through the prizes offered and the number of Delvers needed to accomplish them, as well as the class required. When a Quest is offered through the thread, players must volunteer through their role PM. It is first-come, first-served.​
How Does Canvassing For Artifacts Work?
Each day, Artifacts are dispersed through the game thread behind post numbers. When a player posts on a post number that has an artifact from the layer they're in behind it, they will attempt to retrieve it. The higher ranked delver they are, the more chances they have of successfully retrieving it.​
How Does Forming A Party Work?
During the day, players may make plans and form a team to delve together the following cycle. After forming a team, and agreeing with each other, they can tag the host and confirm their team-up. That night, when submitting action to go into a layer, they also submit the name of their 2 other partners, if all three submit the same things (location & partners), it'll officially form their team. They will canvass together and any artifact found will be shared amongst the group.​
Forming a party isn't obligated in order to dive and explore, any delver is free to go solo.​

Delvers Classifications -

Delvers are classified with whistles of different colors based on their ability, experience, and achievements. Progressing through the ranks is done through discovering artifacts and completing quests. Artifacts are also classified in grades, as such, the rarer an artifact a Delver discovers, the bigger the achievement. The more experienced a Delver is, the more chances they run at discovering Artifacts and fighting the [Curse of the Abyss].
Depth Limits:
Red - 1st Layer​
Blue - 2nd Layer​
Moon - 3rd Layer​
Black - 4th Layer​
White - None​
[Amplification] - Each whistle class has depth limits, due to skills, body strength, and various factors. When they dive within their limit, they risk the usual strains of ascents (cf Post 3). However, when one goes deeper than their limit, they expose themselves to amplified strains of ascents.​

White Whistle - Life Stones

White Whistles are made of a Life Reverberating Stone, and given further shape by the user's own modifications to the stone, making each and every White Whistle unique. The raw material is human life.​
During D0, each player must find a partner for the rest of the game. Players must form pairs, and the play you choose must choose you back for this to work. When their selection is completed, both players must tag me in the thread, and tag their partner confirming.​
[White Whistle] - If a player's partner dies, their partner will become their White Whistle artifact, and continue living through them. They may continue posting in the thread. The surviving partner will attain the rank of White Whistle and gain immunity against the curse of the 5 first layers. They may also enter the 6th layer if they choose.

Gold Coins - The Value of Money

The game will feature a currency system relating to several mechanics underneath. Unless specified otherwise in your role PM, you do not start with any gold coin and must hustle to get your hands on some. Some roles have abilities revolving around coins, and can thus gain them through other means. For everyone else, the main way to gain coins is by winning these daily awards, as well as participating in the [Contest of Weebs].
  • Useful Weeb - Provided an accurate vote count when requested [2 coins]
  • Towniest Weeb - Received no votes during the day [1 coin]
  • Weeb Leader - Amongst top 3 highest posters in a phase [3 coins]
  • Serious Weeb - No fluff posts in a phase [2 coins]
  • Cum Hunter - Lynched a threat to your faction [2 coins]
  • Good Samaritan - Saved a weeb from certain death [3 coins]
  • Weeb Champion - Win a tournament [4 coins]
  • Weeb Raider - Successfully complete an expedition [2 coins]
[Shop] - After the first cycle of exploration, a shop will be opened and its inventory will be posted below here, and continuously updated. Each new day phase, starting from D2, artifacts that weren't successfully retrieved the previous phase will be put on sale here. There will be a public record of the transactions. There is a guarantee of a [Special Grade Artifact] at each sale.​
[Trading] - Players may trade coins and artifacts with each other in order to pool their ressources. This must be negotiated and confirmed in public. After closing a deal, both players must tag me and tag each other in the thread confirming a transaction.​

The Contest of Champion -

One of the first things they've rebuilt is their famous fighting arena. Here, aspiring weeb warriors can come to challenge each other for the ultimate glory, and some In-Thread-Attacks. These tournaments are held each day phase.

[Contest of Weebs] - Open to the public, each day players may enter the tournament in order to win prizes and money. The registration period will be open from the start of the day phase until it fills or midway through the phase, whichever comes first. At the start of the game, each tournament has 16 spots available, and players will face each other in a best of 3 R/P/S games each round. In each phase, the main prize is an ITA at a super-kill level, while for each victory, a player wins 2 gold coins.​

The Weeb Elders -

After the success of the system last time in preventing conflicts to degenerate, the Weebs decided to continue the tradition in order to prevent the repeat of the chaotic events of the previous Weeb Wars they've heard so much about. This alliance will take care of disputes between them and make sure that peace is respected. They've created a small council whose goal is to lead the alliance.

During Day 0, each player must vote for 3 players they want to be represented by on the council. The 10 players with the most votes will seat on this new Council. Votes must be submitted privately through role PMs, they may be discussed in the thread without any restrictions. Their influence over the Weeb affairs is paramount and limitless, ranging from judiciary action to public health.

[Council Meeting] - On odd nights, the 10 Elders will convene in the game thread. They may post at night and vote, the player with the most votes at night will be lynched by them. As the game progress, the frequency of their meeting may increase.​
--- [Emergency Meeting] - Anytime an [Innocent] player is mislynched, the Council will convene the following night, and take action.​


There's no "Tina!"
Interesting.. but then whats the voting for..
and why 3 votes if you can just ask someone out.
So D0 you have two tasks:

1) Find a partner for life. Ask someone out, and if they say yes, then you and them should tag the host and let him know.
2) You should also vote for 3 players you think you want to see on the council (Yes, you can self vote too)

What is the council?
- The council is a group of 10 players with the most votes who meet up on odd nights and talk at night. They can decide an extra night lynch on a player they think is suspicious. Basically it's a mechanism that helps town more.
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