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Ultra if you shrugged of that post i wouldn't say shit. But you are still here defending yourself over nothing. Are you in that fragile state that's enough to trigger a reaction?
Dawg how many posts are you going to make that amount to "YouRe TriggEred" and not actually address my point? You've been dodging this argument for, if we're keeping score from yesterday, about a day now, and you've resorted to this petty and shameful display.

I can only assume you're not confident enough to have an honest exchange with me. Right now though, you have some plausible deniability in your cowardice, for you have actually not made a move against me.

I am not triggered whatsoever. I am not afraid to admit when I'm mad, or irritated. I smelled blood in the water when I read your post, and when questioned you have squirmed quite a bit. And instead of having an honest conversation you are trying to deflect by mischaracterizing my play in multiple ways.
You still don't understand?

What i said was nothing, it posed no danger to you and still doesn't, if you didn't brought it up no one would even talk about it. It would be forgotten like a fart in the wind.

But it didn't happen, you are still here trying to argue about it. That only means it bothers you, for what reason - still to be decided. One small non worthy comment is enough to get this reaction.

Those that build high falls forget to build strong foundations. And you are showing major weakness right now. If what is said is trully wrong you will show it so as the time goes and not waste time and energy bickering.

Do you now understand why you look bad?
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