Nothing this chapter suggests ZKK only deluded headcanon.
Zoro could be standing in a panel facing nothing and your cult would still go 'Proof of ZKK Zoro is facing east that means Zoro is to kill an Eastern Dragon ZKK

This chapter is about Zoro not dying from his injuries hence why Chopper is worried about Zoro now. I have no issue with Zoro getting back up I expect it my issue is the way. I'd rather he pull himself up without this plot no jutsu grim reaper thing with his own strength and be like 'Until this battle is over I'm not going down etc'
I have the same issue with Luffy such as the VOAT moment these moments scream of asspull coming.
Also Luffy coming out of Wano with all the credit Zoro is going to be side mention to Luffy's feats