Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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@sanjikun its no mistake people expect kid to be able to go a step above
since they have both awakened very terrifying df

you saying they are equal arrives at the same conclusion a lot of us had already told you.
coc without being able to coat your attacks with it is pretty irrelevant to current powerlevel
its potential.
Some people don't seem to realise that Kidd's magnetic force fucked Big Mom up. The metal beams were just the "tools" being tossed at Big Mom with extreme force.
It is quite obvious. It is just the usual downplay.
You can evencompare Jinbei's attack with Kidd's to determine Kidd's AP.
Jinbei's Vegabond Drill on skinny Big Mom did Zero damage yet Kidd's awakening move had full power Big Mom bleeding.
Can't wait for pictures, this chapters
will be a good one

He could just land CoA only Ashura he landed on Kaido.
That does not add up, Kaido just guessed that Zoro was a CoC for no reason after Zoro's strongest attack??

Asura Deadmans Game had CoC imbued in it which is why it scared Kaido in the first place. Oda choosed not to visualize CoC there
King in his speed form is a normal ancient zoan, if zoro can hurt kaido then he can definitely hurt him
? When did I say he couldn't hurt him? Point is, he still used Conquerors mode for a chapter until he won. He USED it to win. If he didn't need to use it or risk killing himself to win, then he wouldn't have had the dilemma with Enma in the first place. You just don't use the sword if you don't need to. Except he needed to use it and had to use Conquerors.

It's like, stuck to a narrative guys. King is apparently >>>>>>> Queen and just a bit under Kaido to some of you, but now Zoro didn't "need" to use AdCoC to win? What?
That does not add up, Kaido just guessed that Zoro was a CoC for no reason after Zoro's strongest attack??

Asura Deadmans Game had CoC imbued in it which is why it scared Kaido in the first place. Oda choosed not to visualize CoC there
Zoro added all his remaining strength into nerfed CoA Ashura attack but attack from nerfed CoA Ashura Zoro was so strong it reminded him of Oden attacking him with CoC hence why he thought Zoro was using CoC.

I think it Zoro hit Kaido with Dragon Damnation attack, a real CoC attack, Kaido would get cut clean in half and die
She was already beat and captured. He stopped her from reaching the top of the waterfall and Queen captured her. Big Mom sucks.

King told her to her face to F off. He didn't care about her.
Still can't beat seastone-chained BM together with his bros. :kobeha:

Imagine having to restore your boss' direct rival's health back to normal just to stay alive. :broocry:
The only stat Kidd has above sanji is strength and hax

All the rest goes to sanji

Queen's attacks are deadlier than kidd's, zoro would've been able to cut kidd's metal beams with no problem but he was forced to dodged queen's lasers because he can't cut them

And queen used haki, and still didn't push sanji past high diff
This is why some Sanji fans are not taken seriously. Power scaling is not your strong suit
What am i supposed to wait for?
Awakening itself was not bad (and them only using it as last resort is explanation enough to not reveal it until then), but they are both literally on their last leg just to even compete, let alone match BM.
Meanwhile Luffy has awakened three top tier abilities that he currently can spam, and is not only competing but actively matching BM´s equal, if not superior. And both Kid and Law have, both in direct and indirect words, accepted Luffy´s prime and main role in the entire raid. But that´s only the issue of individual might which they can´t match, and Oda could conveniently explain away with sudden powerups (Law awakening advanced Haki, Kid also, especially advCoC).
Then you have the crews, it´s by no means no exaggeration to claim that the entire Strawhats could match all the other Supernova and their crews, let alone just one crew.
So yeah, no matter how the fight ends with BM, anyone but other Yonkou, especially Blackbeard, competing with Luffy would be a joke.

I don´t remember anybody that did not look forward to the Supernova competing, but that concept started to die with Dressrosa already when Luffy gained his first cheerleader, and continued on till now.
The rivalry between Luffy and Kid is as credible as Luffy and Smoker, it´s devoid from any reality.
Wait for the end of the fight. You are saying a lot of words but I'm coming to the same conclusion about what you need to do. This isn't about the Kid Pirates vs the Strawhats, this is about Kid and Luffy. That's it.
Btw Kid and Law is gonna win.
Why do i say that, well its because Oda aint making Kid and Law lose without a proper fight and them being underdogs in this fight isnt new.
So he is beginning for this fight's last part with them overcoming an emperor together.
It’s because we don’t need a filler arc like Luffy vs kid pirates.

We’re beyond that at this point and everyone knows it. Even if Kid can be portrayed as comparable to Luffy, his crew is trash. None of them except killer would be able to beat a Tobi Roppo and Killer probably can’t even beat a calamity. So what’s the point both crew just watching the captains fight?

Luffy only has one fellow pirate rival. That’s Blackbeard. He’s the only person in the worst generation that should be Luffys serious adversary.
Supernovas will be Kidd future crew

Oda will group them together and make them fight SHs as their final stand before Luffy fight BB

Luffy vs Kidd is happening, their style and ideals clash and Oda didn't make it that way for nothing
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