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If didn’t want a peaceful game and not to cause conflict with myself and others. I would actually be quite upset at those who don’t understand. However I’m not annoyed at all at those who can’t comprehend


Muu getting framed by scum into the council doesn't make any sense. He sounded absolutely sure he'd be part of it. If he got framed how would he know that? It's either his own team voted him in or something mechanical.

If anybody got framed, it's probably Blue.
ohh finally a sound player enters.

I’ve always admitted I’m an asshole when it comes to mafia, yes I do do that for players I don’t respect with weak accusations. I push them to make an actual case cause I like to read and gauge them this way to see if there push on me is genuine or weakly conceived to bait them. you should know by know this is just my typical MO at this point.
Yeah I truly don’t know how I made the council if you don’t believe then so be it but if you’re going to push weak logic my way then don’t falter and make the case against me.
I saw you say on day 0 you will meet Zem at the council and why did you say that?

I'm curious to know who voted Muugen.


When I was reading back the game. I found Nick's & Dest's posts very forced and strategic with each other. Most certainly not town vs town. Could be scum vs scum, or maybe even t v s, but not t v t. Juliet's name was brought up in this back and forth, which seemed to be out of nowhere.
Who's the scummier out of the two for you?
or control more town lynches? have u ever thought of that??

my vote was on zem
Could be either or but I do scum read you lol, first you lied or are backing off from your masoning ability and then you somehow forgot that you can vote during the night ( which is funny since its such an important thing to forget and you remember abilities from games ago like in the MF game).


Certified Memelord
Imagine getting your ego shattered over an internet game that you carry the hate you have for yourself onto others and continuously do the same asinine shit every time we play together. Grow the fuck up and get some real help maybe you shouldn’t worry about nick and start focusing on yourself.

I’ve already had enough of your bullshit go buddy up with Uchi and post IRL OOC videos on how much you fucking hate me cause honestly you ain’t shit not in the mafia world nor outside of these forums.

you’re a straight bitch.
thats not nice man
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