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you insisted it would look bad for anyone who didn't show backing outside of fuji that is inherently every player including you.

why would someone come out to back me when this is already the basis line of thinking your attempt was ill thought especially for how weak the mafia playerbase is here makes sense no one wants to speak out.
Nah this is bullshit muugen. Townies wouldn't hd their cards about voting you.
Not sure what you're asking
Ill reframe. You made reference to it being possible that mafia just fucked up. Whilst this is true, its fair to assume that some degree of risk analysis went into their collective decision (and if their team did mass vote muugen in, then it would require consensus). Why then, would they pick a player who is already in the hot seat, as opposed to somebody of neutral or better standing where they can control the council seat by proxy anyway?

What Im saying is that theres virtually no upside in this, especially if the town council members dont trust him anyway, and all this scheme would do is attract unwanted attention. The risk / reward is way off for my liking

AL sama

Red Haired
As for the Muugen ordeal, I'm really starting to think scum put him on there without his knowledge. I'm also side eyeing people who have been acting like it was the most natural thing in the world for him to be on there and even the people who have said they voted for him.
then explain to me why was muu soo sure that he'll make there??

zem are you thinking prop0er;y here??


Custom title
So far i've seen she doesn't follow through her claims

Calls Broki scum - doesn't say why
Calls Kvothe locked town - doesn't say why

Flower never slam dunks, she just runs around the ball talking stuff

Her behaviour is odd. Anyone who knows how she plays as town can Tell
are the things adam mentioned considered odd behaviour for her standards ?

I believe i played only once with town flower ( not counting turbos )
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