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i would like to have my input but i missed a lot in these new 100 pages
And I have to go to sleep now, hopefully tomorrow I would catch up

Do u hv any interesting posts or ppl u sus to look into?

Tackyy bestiee:optimistic: long time no see

What's gonna happen tonight? πŸ‘πŸ‘ hopefully not you showing up suspiciously to my door at night
I have been trying to keep an open mind.

My scum reads go between Juliet, Fuji, & Ekko for the most part, I am trying to watch how Juliet responds to being suspected atm.
if you are my leader and I am scum then u must be the godfather, let's do this!
Lmfaooo :kobeha:

I just found his eagerness to claim mason on a non lynch day sus. I'll not forget it but I decided to not chase it for now.

Hayumi, Kagura, conq, ratchet, myself voted for me. That I know of.

Didn't you vote for me too? I asked you to do it :)

Also ehat do you make of Muu being on the Council?
Idk claiming early seems like sth drago would do
Nope, I might have missed your post
And about muu i don't think he was that popular choice but ppl already discussed this many times so I won't waste time on it
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