Alright, so I've been chatting in the discord, and something came up that I eventually pieced together into enough of a concern that I'm making a main thread post about it.
First of all, @Flower, I apologize in advance if I'm wrong about this, but I think there's evidence that you haven't been entirely honest with me, so this is a natural consequence.
So to recap, the other day Flower invited me into a chat room. She did this with kvothe, but apparently we share different chats with different rules.
Now Flower was transparent with some information about themselves, and gained a pretty decent degree of trust from me, but apparently someone had noticed that Kvothe, in the thread, was openly discussing how they were trying to get Worst in Flower's chat.
What's the problem with this? Aside her already inviting me into a separate chat, I was trying to discuss to Flower who they should target, and they did not mention them. Furthermore, when pressed on this info, Flower clams up and claims generically that she has a claim restriction and will not speak of this, even though discussing this info has not been an issue before.
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So, to get to the point of what I'm saying, here is some key info Flower has presented me:
- By fulfilling certain conditions, Flower can steal abilities from those she chats with
And here are my observations of who Flower wanted to target:
- She was really into the idea of targeting Fuji (Survivor)
- She was apparently into targeting Worst (Survivor), but only disclosed this with Kvother
And there's some other bits an pieces I'm probably missing, but my conclusion is as follows:
Flower is most likely a hostile/semi hostile player who is trying to role steal from neutral indies to downgrade herself. She has a history of doing this, and took specific interest in the only two players in the game who claimed survivor.
To be charitable to her, she is probably not hard scum. And she has expressed what I think is a genuine interest in scum hunting, and asking for my input. But because she hasn't been entirely honest with me, and because she's wasting time and resources bailing herself out of the game instead of going for scum players, I feel it necessary to put this info out in the open.