Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Awakening only need one time to touch someone to used his awakening, or did Katakuri and Doffy always touch the ground when they uused their awakened power?
did you see law awakening? He had to use again kroom on the blade. Same with Kidd, you know why cuz Big Mom didnt pull any steal in chapter 1038. She wasnt magnetize. Kidd need to touch again Mom to activate his magnetism on her.
Law :
Top tier DC, AoE , endurance & AP
>Solid Low top tier

Kidd :
Top tier DC, AP, Endurance, stamina and physical strength
>Solid Low top tier

Luffy :
Top tier DC, AP, haki (all 3), Endurance, stamina, physical strength and speed
>Solid mid top tier

Zoro :
Top tier AP, CoC (adcoc), Endurance and DC with great physical strength & CoA
>Top Inbetweener


waiting for Marvel Rivals
Law :
Top tier DC, AoE , endurance & AP
>Solid Low top tier

Kidd :
Top tier DC, AP, Endurance, stamina and physical strength
>Solid Low top tier

Luffy :
Top tier DC, AP, haki (all 3), Endurance, stamina, physical strength and speed
>Solid mid top tier

Zoro :
Top tier AP, CoC (adcoc), Endurance and DC with great physical strength & CoA
>Top Inbetweener
urouge negs all
Daily reminder none of Luffy's advCoC attack is visually above city block level
That is the case, you don´t need to show to have visible aoe attacks to proof to be on that lvl.
Zoro cut easily down mountains in DR, but his Ap is now far better duo adv CoC.
Luffy couldn´t harm Kaido pre Kuri but now can harm and damage him.
Such as attack potency, hax and other things must be used in terms to scale a character.
"But but Kidd's fighting style is shit"

"But but Marco > Kidd/Law"

"But but Yamato > Kidd/Law"

"But but Zoro > Kidd/Law"

"But but Katakuri > Kidd/Law"

"But but King > Kidd/Law"

"But but Kidd and Law are Luffy's cheerleaders"

"But but Big Mom is the weakest Yonko"

"But but Shanks > Big Mom"

"But but Mihawk > Big Mom"

"But but Blackbeard > Big Mom"

"But but Admirals > Big Mom"

Wait how are some of these disproven


Two arcs ago Law was getting fucked by Doflamingo, Kid has been getting fucked by Shanks and Kaido too.

now Law and Kid got awakening off screen and can damage / defeat a Yonko that couldn't be damaged by nothing.

and people are trying to tell me that the powerscaling of this series isn't getting nonsensical?

this also isn't just about this chapter

Luffy being able to fight 1v1 Kaido in base form because of Adv. CoC is nuts, whe Kaido is using hybrid / base / zoan / drunken mode. When Luffy was getting destroyed in few hits at the same arc.

Also Zoro and Sanji being able to defeat the YC in less than 15 minutes, when it took Luffy 8/12 hours to defeat Katakuri/Cracker just one arc ago.

This shit is crazy.
For everyone saying that Enma was carrying Zoro

tell me how Kid and Law aren't being carried by their Devil Fruits right now? they didn't even need Haki to defeat her lmao, just the pure devil fruit
Enma is Oden's sword whom Zoro hasn't Mastered yet and still wank Oden lol

Kidd and law ate their df as kids and that became part of their identity
Zoro got enma this arc lol so yeah enma carrying zoro for now
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