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There's no "Tina!"
Lind is scum, I'm 99.9% sure
I’m 100% sure that you’re scum, or just suck at trying to apply logic to a situation.

You first went with 100% TAC scum game, came and hard and dumb fuck argument with me about Muugen’s situation and being allied with him when I was proposing he gets shot. Even after Drago explained it to you.

And now this shit we’re back to again. I’m so done with you this game Mango.
I'll start here
[vote lynch jinri]

it legit feels like scum tryna make us focus on the mason claim

stop wasting my time

im tired
Ratchet is trying to make us focus on that, yes.

[change vote lynch Ratchet]

interesting vote that
I'm neutral on him, but I also don't think he's a mason.
you had also thrown doubt into drago claim but providing no reason . if you thought there was a significant chance drago was lying at the very least there should have been a push from you at his expense but none was forthcoming last phase. I personally think you were just hoping to cast reasonable doubt into the claim hoping others will latch in unto that .

[change vote lynch oddoddfruit]
and the 2nd was the vote on odd when the supposed slip came up ; felt like a cheap chance to hop on a wagon at the same time also abandoning the vote on ratchet at a whim.I have seen your carefree antics on nf but this feels far from it .


It's a bit concerning that Ekkologix isn't trying to push anyone with any consistent effort. They merely snipe here, or wish people were trying over there.

I also do not see my partner Ral here. I wonder where they may be.
another post on yet another player you really had no intention of going anywhere with it.

big question is how can you justify sticking with odd
when it very much looks like you had better reasons to pursue ekko who you seem to have described as playing uncharacteristically, or ratchet who you thought wanted people to focus on drago's claim, or drago himself , a claim you very much didnt buy.

eyes on @jinri chan , maybe her hands will add a fine collection to my deck


Certified Memelord
respect tho, i thought u were scum but if ur an indie with this much post count thats impressive @Zemmi

so ur not afraid of mafia cucking u like this? what r u gna do now
and how is cell post restricted i dont get that part
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