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Look at Fuji, he’s mad because I called him out for fishing for healers.
Are you serious right now?

The fact that you have the balls to call me trying to solve what happened to you fishing is astounding.

You claimed you were somehow protected or that Muu is lying, Muu died and turns out he's town. Littlefinger told me in a chat that he's town and Muu indeed targetted you, then you have the fact that Muu ate something from my shop that made him virtually impossible to rb/redirect,etc

So it is within my rights to point out that your scenario of being protected isnt likely because no one came out with the info, even though this god forsaken topic has been going for almost two days straight.

Like seriously Zem.
Are you serious right now?

The fact that you have the balls to call me trying to solve what happened to you fishing is astounding.

You claimed you were somehow protected or that Muu is lying, Muu died and turns out he's town. Littlefinger told me in a chat that he's town and Muu indeed targetted you, then you have the fact that Muu ate something from my shop that made him virtually impossible to rb/redirect,etc

So it is within my rights to point out that your scenario of being protected isnt likely because no one came out with the info, even though this god forsaken topic has been going for almost two days straight.

Like seriously Zem.
If you could kill someone again who would you kill?


The End and the Beginning
Nothing about his responses is really scummy tbh. He explains things well. Also, your info doesn‘t seem all that solid else you would KNOW he‘s scum and not need an additional exchange like this to try and convince people. Thing is, have you ever considered both of you being Town and that something messed with your results? You are tunneling so hard it looks like an agenda. The Town Ratchet your leader knows is usually waay more rational and thinks all things through.

Never fear!
Oh fuck off Flower. No seriously, fuck right off with this shit. I've illustrated why I think his responses are scummy, and you haven't even tried to engage with me on that. You just ignored it. If you don't think they're scummy, then go and engage with my arguments.

And the rest of this post applies more to Ultra than it does to me. I levied my vote on him and then engaged with him, and I used that to ascertain whether he was scum or not. I have said this prior, and I know you know this. I've gone fucking overboard trying to establish this. Yes, the possibility of being messed with exists. Very much so. I've given it due consideration, which is why I point to his posting today as the reason for why he should be lynched. Ultra, on the other hand, has insisted I must be lying about having any information, and declared I was certain scum because when he asked me who could be Adam's partner, I suggested there was a chance he was. Which one of us is trying to consider alternatives here? Or is it okay when Ultra does it, but not when I (don't) do it? And don't fucking tell me I'm being irrational here, I've displayed more rationality this Day Phase than most of you put together.

Na seriously, not happy with this shit.
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