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The End and the Beginning
So Zemmi and Ratchet both claim an invest failed on Ussop, while Aries claims a kill failed on him?

Uh, not exactly. My information is a direct byproduct of conditions being met, think of it like cause and effect. Someone joins my chat, I learn their role name. If further conditions are met, I learn their role. This is all dealt with passively - I submit no action and as a result this "investigation" is not affected by blocks or redirects or manipulation. With Ekko not being in this chat, not only did that fail, but so did me learning his role name.
Before I sleep, I'm sorry for the profane, acerbic language earlier @Flowa

I try to filter myself better than that, but I was unsuccessful there. I will do better next time.
Apology accepted. Just letting you know that you can talk normally to your leader. She's not the kind of person who only understands you when you're using such language. If things get frustrating just say "Let's talk more later" and refrain from engaging in an argument further. Your leader will understand and postpone further discussion. Or just ignore her for a while like she does to Ekko at times.

Never fear!


The End and the Beginning
You've played a lot of mafia since then, old man.

And this is a dumb criticism for as long as you are insisting you are sincere in having info, because then I would be correct in assuming you're not making some play. By all means, admit that you're bullshitting and I'll take being wrong.
Sure I have, my point is I'm not exactly a stranger to making illogical plays, either. I don't feel the need to admit anything, I either did or I didn't.


The End and the Beginning
Apology accepted. Just letting you know that you can talk normally to your leader. She's not the kind of person who only understands you when you're using such language. If things get frustrating just say "Let's talk more later" and refrain from engaging in an argument further. Your leader will understand and postpone further discussion. Or just ignore her for a while like she does to Ekko at times.

Never fear!
Fair deal.
Sure I have, my point is I'm not exactly a stranger to making illogical plays, either. I don't feel the need to admit anything, I either did or I didn't.
Dawg what are you DOING


I'm not going to lie, the thought crossed my mind you were doing this just for fun, but you appear to be frustrated
Apology accepted. Just letting you know that you can talk normally to your leader. She's not the kind of person who only understands you when you're using such language. If things get frustrating just say "Let's talk more later" and refrain from engaging in an argument further. Your leader will understand and postpone further discussion. Or just ignore her for a while like she does to Ekko at times.

Never fear!
my leader

Light D Lamperouge

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just search michelle with naomi post in search.
Oki doki Naomi, I've gone through the posts of yours and got this
michelle-look to only come and vote who ever beky was voting. could be pocketed. or scum.
will need to update my list

ratchet, yellow-null
michelle-dark red


still reading, catching up

ratchet and michelle reaction to him, looked like michelle was throwing weak excuse, so this made me think ratchet leans more null/town grounds while michelle looks worse
Could you explain to me what exactly is the crux of your read on her please?

scum can also have protects!
I know they can. But I don't see them actually doing it. Per Zemmi's words she'd have been notified of having been shot at, and with Michelle saying she protected Zemmi I am inclined to take it as a townie action. Chances very high Zemmi would be shot and no scum would want to save her.
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