Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Big Mom doesn't have a single feat comparable to

-Fujitora lifting a country worth of rubble and being able to send it crashing at full speed whenever he likes
-Kuzan freezing an entire ocean for days up to the next island
-Akainu and Aokiji changing the climate of an island

Not a single one.

Her feats are utter trash, the best one she got is that lightning attack in the woods near Whole Cake Chateau I guess? Doesn't even fucking come close to these Admiral feats
Ikoku who pass through a island and effect even the ocean.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
when you pull out a fish out of the water, he struggles, tries to catch water to breath, moves as fast and wild as he can, try to survive, in that moment he looks so wild and live, but then, he dies.

tjis is you right now, you struggle, you aren’t in the water anymore. Just accept your death. Stop crying.
Rude! 😠
First you said that the king has more resistance than Kaido
king received only 3 or 4 advcoc and was defeated....While Kaido received thousands of blows from Luffy and Yamato....And he is still fighting
Now he says that king is stronger than Big Mom:josad::josad::josad:
I'm sorry, but I don't understand you
I go to work while wiping my tears:myman:
News from the future
Shanks is dead Zoro surpassed him.
He is not clueless. All powers are useless when the user is incompetent. That is what going on with Bigmom. She is a old hag with mental issues afterall. As much shit as this is, it is in acceptable realm.
Okay linlin has mental issues. She clearly has unresolved trauma relating to her abandonment and lets not forget her eating disorder.

But not using ACoC when she was on the verge of getting hit by a stronger version of an attack that already broke her bones is utter garbage tier writing. Linlin makes decisions that could only be made by an utter retard and she only does this in order for the SHs/allies to win.

Its bad writing, don't try to defend it
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