For sure, let's see what happens. This chapter will point to one of 3 things:

- She's done fully, out cold. They win

- She's not down, but the fight is over (somehow, idk)

- She's not down, but returns (either this chapter or at least implies to be a later chapter).

The question WILL be answered and likely tie to one of these things, that much I'm sure of.
Assuming she's up, I'd love a change of location as it looks she getting blasted out of Onigashima even if she can just fly back to the live floor


She came to me one morning,
One lonely Sunday morning,
Her long hair flowing in the mid-winter wind.
I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking,
And destruction lay around me from a fight I could not win.
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa
She asked me name my foe then.
I said the need within some men
To fight and kill their brothers without thought of love or god.
And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies,
So eager was my passion to devour this waste of life.
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa
But she would not think of battle that reduces men to animals,
So easy to begin and yet impossible to end.
For she the mother of all men did council me so wisely then
I feared to walk alone again and asked if she would stay.
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa
"Oh lady lend your hand, " I cried,
"Oh let me rest here at your side."
"Have faith and trust in me, "
She said and filled my heart with life.
"There is no strength in numbers.
Have no such misconception.
But when you need me be assured I won't be far away."
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa
Thus having spoke she turned away
And though I found no words to say
I stood and watched until I saw her black cloak disappear.
My labor is no easier, but now I know I'm not alone.
I find new heart each time I think upon that windy day.
And if one day she comes to you drink deeply from her words so wise.
Take courage from her as your prize and say hello for me.
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa
Aaaaaaaaa, Aaaaaaaaa...
Assuming she's up, I'd love a change of location as it looks she getting blasted out of Onigashima even if she can just fly back to the live floor
My hope is that *if* she gets up, it's back to the roof with Kid. Then we get that sweet Rocks flashback with her and Kaido before both lose.

There's no way I see BM not being fixated in Kid this point though, rooftop or not. Both him and Law have hurt her than she's probably ever gotten hurt at this point.
Wait did @RogersBase actually called Big Mom overrated?

So many people I've seen hate on and downplay Big Mom, I guess the people in Rogers community must really hype up Big Mom a lot.

It feels weird to say that she's overrated.
It seems like he said that if Big Mom is truly done then she is overrated, I don't know if he meant as in character or as in power level or maybe both.

If @RogersBase is coming off this in terms of her power level, I obviously disagree because I still think Oda at the very least did try his best to portray Big Mom as a very powerful character

However I don't blame him for being disappointed in her character after seeing how Oda has treated her.