I sure do agree on one thing, Oda sucks very hard at using and treating well his female characters who aren't Straw Hats.
Yeah he did really well with Robin post TS imo except on the actual solo fights front until Onigashima, where I really enjoyed her first true fight in a mere 18 years now lmfao.
Nami I thought was a little underwhelming in abilities but I do enjoy her having Zeus, how she helped vs Cracker, and think she was still well written post TS as a character too. Ironically Wano really disappointed me with her especially Onigashima vs Ulti and Page One, sigh.
Nami at WCI and Punk Hazard I thought was top tier, FMI too even with Jinbei and such.
Oda really feels mean spirited towards his female characters, whether its deliberate and conscious or subconscious and thus he's not so aware of it too.
But this is Oppai Piece/The Great Waist Shrinkage after the TS ofc.
It's a shame as he wrote so many great female characters pre TS especially Nami and Robin actually.