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sure, i voice them in my private messages with flowa and siggy :optimistic:

for town reads, ratchet, ryu, flowa, sigismund, odd, mango, i forget who else off of the top of my head. if you ask me about them ill answer.

for scum reads, cinera, lanji, xlaw, nana, zem maybe, worst. though i think theres a town between xlaw and nana though or at the very least not on the same team. cinera and lanji are just off of my suspicion on the nick kill.
Why cinera? That would be nice to hear
too troublesome lol,
Better let NOVA keep the track of it
i dont wanna waste time going through many pages to find a post on a specific number
Whatever man just keep track of people your ability got activated on


hes done this as town tho where he makes things a bit messy
am just trying to figure out why i got the wrong name from him and why his reaction was to question me implying it was tris instead .

Yep, he's like that when he gets annoyed but I am willing to believe that this time he's bad for his previous posts that in reality provide nothing on the table and only feels contributive on the surface
Didn't she said that if three or more scums are voting for her then the lynch on her will fail. That's how, if lynch fails on her and we able to confirm her role somehow then we have possible scums under our belt
Sorry, but how does a lynch failing on her confirm the conditions of her lynch dodge? It doesn't prove shit. Only her flip would.

Curious why you've honed in on this particular subject this much.
Im just asking bruv.
I see there's been talk about lynching Xlaw and then Nana on council. I don't see why we can't lynch nana both times though.

Under the assumption she's lying, we should always lynch her.

Under the assumption she's telling the truth about that ability, a sizeable D1 wagon will almost certainly contain enough scum to trigger the save, and then we can vote again on council. Which functions as two different checks.

If we're trying to gain info from her lynch passive...why would we not gain info twice?

I am not in any way inclined to believe the details of her claim given how long it took her to come out so saving her just for council is an objectively bad idea if her lynch save is say just a form of one-shot and we let her go for another cycle.
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