I'm older
Don't worry, getting older means getting closer to death.
death is inevitable and utmost elusive ... the older you get the more you realize how transient this life is and death awaits you all the same no matter the age

the way i look at it is everyone's instance of death is their metaphorical "old age of death" aka the limit their life has reached... like a 30 yr old dying is metaphorically someone who now is too old to live for evolution to do its number and end him decades later

If evolution doesn't end you then life will with eventualities and consequences of your actions or just misfortune

as elusive, regretful, and gloomy it seems like....it bitterly remains the only thing guaranteed in life.. does a pleasant death exist? idk, i reckon what gives a period "." its disposition and authority its character is the tale that precedes it.
BB vs shanks need an arc of it's own and doubt oda will do that.

Both characters are one of the most relevant characters in OP and only top tiers who are getting consistent hype build around them.

BB can get increase in bounty by other means. He is after something very important and that's where he is headed.

It could be road PG or third df but I think his bounty increase could happen because of this depending upon how much destruction he will cause.

I am gradually getting more inclined towards Luffy fighting both BB and Shanks with shanks having darker side to him.
if he's fighting shanks its occuring before BB
problem is shanks is weaker and has a lower threat level associated with him ( bounty) than who he is going to beat in this arc.
I dont see it happening.