So me and Pein choose layer 4. We both submitted but idk wky we both delved alone. We also received artifacts.
Other people there
worst, Zemmi, ripped one, Sallucion, Tris, Dragon god
I don't know the thread name for everyone
So worst and Zem talked and her wish was to reveal the janitored flips.
Worst reposted it immediately
Everyone present in chat reposted it.
Pein revealed again his inno checks on Rej and random A. He talked to Sallucion about why failed his invest on Sallu.
Sallucion said he has an action who made fail for one cycle anything on him, and that didn't match with the moment Pein targeted him and that was the reason of suspicion. I wish I know how to better explain that.
Zemmi said that Sallucion will be converted
Worst said he will check Sallu, and he agreed, for this he didn't use that action again.
Sallucion talked about the wish in your chat and Pein quoted him saying you are scum.
I asked if this is his read and he mentioned you killed Rej whom he checked.
I asked Zem about other reads she said Reborn and Aries are scum because her action on Aries wasn't succesful and UB action on Reborn also failed.
Tris said Reborn could revive Al.
This is what I find important in the chat and people who were there can confirm
Despite being copy pasted by everyone the wish failed and idk why.