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I don‘t care much about Ali‘s wincon. I have no interest in going after him because I doubt Novas allows a Town to turn hostile to Town. I have concerns about Borto doing things in secret, though.
The Gravity, and the Rain -

Chūya activated [Upon the Tainted Sorrow]

Chūya activated [Upside Down]

Blackpink used [Lovesick Girls] on [???]

Makima used [Control Devil] on [???]

Teuchi used [Broth Path] on [???] and [???]

Cell used [Ki Sense] on [???]

Cell used [Demon Eye] on [???], and [Mind Investigation] on [???] and [???]

The Looney Tunes used [That's All Folks!] on [???] and [???]

Estelle used [Comet] on [???]

Estelle used [Barrage] on [???]

Estelle used [Hurricane] on [???] and [???]

Estelle used [Pummel] on [???]

Oden used [Togen Totsuka] to super-kill @Reborn [Blackmore]

"Just like crossing a rainbow, or walking on a glass board. You can’t assume that the rain is always pouring down."
You are Blackmore!

Delver Rank - White Whistle

[Passive - Secret Services] - Blackmore is employed under the Weeb President, acting as one of their closest henchmen. He remains near the President to provide protection if needed, as well as assassinate their enemies. After the second Council meeting, Blackmore will gain a private chat with the living Weeb Elder that has received the most votes. They will become the [Weeb President], and Blackmore, their henchman.
--- [Intrusion] - Blackmore will learn the identity of anyone that targets his superior with an action. Each cycle, he may target one of these players in order to investigate them and discover what they're up to. He will learn their role name, as well as the effects of the ability used and the identity of anyone else they interacted with that same cycle.
--- [Eliminate] - If a player targets them with a hostile action twice in the same cycle, or 2 cycles in a row, Blackmore will super-kill them.

[Passive - The Holy Corpse part] - Ancient human remains, these Corpse Parts described as belonging to a Saint are scattered inside the layers of the Abyss. There are 10 of them, and any time a player comes across one of them, they will merge with the part which will grant them a [Stand] they can use. On the hunt for these parts, Blackmore will learn about the identity of anyone that has collected apart. If he kills or participates in the lynching of one of these players, he will gain the parts of himself.
--- [Search] - Each cycle, Blackmore may target a player and steal their artifacts. If they have a Corpse Part on them, he can attempt to steal it by engaging them in an R/P/S. If he wins, he will steal it and role-block his target.

[Passive - Scuse Me] - Possessing a notable verbal tic, Blackmore should at least once per day phase, quote a player, and seemingly work in his post "Scuse Me". If he does so, he will gain additional voting power in that phase.

[Passive - Catch The Rainbow] - Taking the form of a mask worn by him, this is Blackmore's Stand, his special ability. With it Blackmore may manipulate rain, including by halting falling drops, making them into threatening obstacles or a path he may cross in the air; and relocating functioning parts of/or his entire body with their moving touch and force.
--- [Rain] - For the purpose of the game, the rain is represented by the number of lynch wagons currently present. At night, it will be the number of lynch wagons on the EoD vote count.
--- [Types of Rain] - Blackmore's ability are affected by how much it is raining, the stronger the rain is, the stronger his abilities are. 1 Wagons considered a light rain. 3 Wagons are normal rain. 6 Wagons and above are torrential rain. At each superior level, Blackmore has access to the abilities of the previous level as well.

[Active - Light Rain] - In this state, Blackmore has access to certain abilities as he infuses raindrops with his power.
--- [Rain Manipulation] - Through his control of the rain, Blackmore controls lynch wagons. He has access to any single voter wagon and can add it to his own voting power.
--- [Rain Stop] - Each cycle, Blackmore can target 2 players and disable their voting power.
--- [Heal] - Blackmore can target a player and heal them using raindrops to plug any wounds. He will heal them from any ailments they're suffering from.

[Active - Normal Rain] - In this state, Blackmore has access to most of his abilities and his manipulation of the rain reaches a higher level of control.
--- [Advanced: Rain Manipulation] - Causing raindrops to stop in their tracks and float mid-air, Blackmore can create a barrier and protect a player of his choice. This will deflect back any actions targeting them, excluding super-kills.
--- [Projectile] - Blackmore can attack a player with raindrops and destroy the next action they perform. If it was targeting him or the Weeb president, it will be redirected back and upgraded.
--- [Restrain] - Blackmore can use his raindrops to restrain a player of his choice. He will role-block them for a phase.
--- [Stepping Stones] - Blackmore can use hardened raindrops to stand on them. He will gain immunity against role-blocks and redirections for the phase. [2-shots]
--- [Intangibility] -
Blackmore can mimic rain and make himself intangible. He will evade any actions targeting him for a phase, excluding super-kills. Traveling extremely quickly, Blackmore is able to delve into a secondary layer that cycles. [2-shots]
--- [Blades] - Using raindrops, Blackmore can create blades and attack a target of his choice. He will destroy one of their abilities. [4-shots]
--- [Double Blades] -
Each cycle, Blackmore may target a write-up and destroy any fabricated elements in it. He will receive a non-tampered version of it if there was any fake elements in it.
--- [Rain Zone] - Blackmore can stop several raindrops over a large zone. He may target 3 players and if any of them perform a hostile action that phase, he will learn about it and steal their votes.

[Active - Heavy Rain] - During heavy rains, Catch the Rainbow becomes even more powerful as Blackmore's control grows. In this state, Blackmore is immune to any actions, including super-kills, as he teleports through the raindrops. Anytime a player targets him in this state, he will learn about it.
--- [Disassemble] - Blackmore can talk and vote during the night phase if there is a meeting. Each day phase, he may teleport his mouth and send a message to a player of his choice through the host.
--- [Advanced: Rain Zone] - Stopping raindrops and creating a hazard zone, Blackmore can target 3 players and send them the following message "Do not move, or you will die". If they perform an action in that phase, the raindrops will injure them. The first player to move will be killed, while the rest if they move, will have one ability destroyed by the rain.
--- [Advanced: Blades] - Blackmore may target a player and disable any of their defensive passive. In this state, this will bypass any targeting immunity they may have.
--- [Drops] - Blackmore can use raindrops to destroy a used ability, undoing its effects. This may fail on certain powerful abilities. [2-shots]
--- [Sharp Blades] -
After participating in the lynching of a [Guilty] player, Blackmore may shape raindrops in extremely sharp blades and use them to super-kill a target of his choice. For each subsequent guilty lynched player, he will gain an additional shot of this ability. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to your Leader.
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