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Hawaiian pizza is the worst food combination ever created:

  1. By eating pineapple you’re basically eating Spongebob’s house. Now he’s homeless. Nice job.
  2. Pineapple pizza isn’t actually from Hawaii. It’s from Canada. In other words, pineapple pizza is full of lies.
  3. Pineapple is generally considered healthy. Why would you spoil an unhealthy food with a healthy topping?
  4. Pineapples take approximately two years before they are ready to harvest. That’s a long time just to be sliced up and eaten.
  5. Scientifically speaking, pineapple is a berry. Who puts berries on pizza? Crazy people, that’s who.
  6. Professional chef Gordon Ramsey says pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza. Therefore, pineapple does not belong on pizza. No one questions Gordon Ramsey.
  7. Tomato sauce is an acidic food and so is pineapple. Too many acidic foods at once and you might melt your insides.
  8. Even the president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, hates pineapple pizza. In 2017, Jóhannesson stated on Twitter that he would “ban pineapple pizza if [he] had the power to set laws.”
  9. If you do put pineapple on pizza, the awful taste of pineapple stays there forever, even if you pick it off.
  10. Even if you enjoy the sweetness that pineapple pizza has to offer, just don’t put it on pizza. Pineapple might be sweet, but it sure as hell doesn’t mix with cheese and bread. Be a normal person and treat your sweet tooth with healthier options, like ice cream or chocolate.
You guys can lynch whoever this person is disguised as the bestie.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Imagine talking that s*** to the one who found the Cult Leader and ended the Cult. Without even having abilities. Yeah, gtfo with that BS.

I‘m not helping somebody who is that rude to the Townie who‘s been trying the hardest, despite being ignored.

I‘m out.

Never give up!
You found nothing, it was a groupd effort. You had a good theory and I spent the entire night making sure its true with Thuru whom you refuse to vote and Odd as well as others in my discord chat. Without me Cal would still be around and we would have had another cult.

Imagine getting pissed at this while Im spending an unhealthy amount of time trying to solve the game and help town at night and during the day and be greeted with sus.

Cry me a river.
You found nothing, it was a groupd effort. You had a good theory and I spent the entire night making sure its true with Thuru whom you refuse to vote and Odd as well as others in my discord chat. Without me Cal would still be around and we would have had another cult.

Imagine getting pissed at this while Im spending an unhealthy amount of time trying to solve the game and help town at night and during the day and be greeted with sus.

Cry me a river.
Group effort lol. I did it. I found him. You just listened to me for once. Get out with that discrediting attempt.

But yeah, I‘m out now. You aren‘t getting my vote just for this.

Never fear!


When were you under the impression this game is..
Group effort lol. I did it. I found him. You just listened to me for once. Get out with that discrediting attempt.

But yeah, I‘m out now. You aren‘t getting my vote just for this.

Never fear!
Lol sorry what???? I said cult could be Hayumi or Cal too, its not just you.

Dont need your vote, keep it and lose.
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