What's the gorosei shitting themselves about?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Ah yeah! Luffy is meant to be Brazilian according to Oda so Luffy could be inspired by Brazilian martial arts as his fighting style evolves, Judo, Ju-Jitsu or even wrestling in general? UFC ah yeah ofc! That makes a lot of sense too, all that MMA stuff!

That's exactly it, using the opponents weight and even momentum against them, I know some Chinese and Japanese martial arts incorporate that too, Aikido for example?

I mean holy fuck, what you described there sounds AWESOME and very fitting, badass and next level! Very strategic, versatile and thus adapative! Punishing for the opponent too ofc!

That would be glorious indeed, that's some really cool ideas!

Waiting for the capoeira moves

Pot Goblin

RIP to the “yAmAtO kNoWs ToO mUcH” argument; it was never legitimate in the face of Robin’s existence on the crew, but now it’s fully and directly invalidated by the author, a move I’m positive will convince the lowest common denominators to see reason for the first time in their cretinous lives :luffyswat:
It is pretty wild how Oda went out of his way here to debunk this argument. I can't imagine what new arguments will come up after this.
Luffy was able to use G4 snakeman against Katakuri for exact 35 minutes since we seens the times just before he activates and just after he deactivated it. was saw 12:05 and then Luffy went G4, and he deflated after that we saw the time was 12:40.

This is exactly what's going to happen to Luffy, I hope you guys can enjoy seeing a dead samurai holding off awakened Kaido. :saden:
not really Luffy can use it for a relative long time(35 minutes against Katakuri) and it is fast , and in combination with CoC haki it will be really powerful, Luffy in basic is able to go against Kaido toe to toe , so Snakeman should the best solution for him to overpower Kaido at the end.
Luffy was hitting Kaido with Gear 3. He doesn't really have a speed problem.

so Snakeman should the best solution for him to overpower Kaido at the end.
Um what? He'll obviously use Boundman topped off with KKG.
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