Questions & Mysteries Could there be a fourth calamity? Kaido's secret right hand?

So as we know, Kaido's crew is based off cards. You have the headliners, based off card games, the numbers based off number cards, and the calamities based off face cards. You even have joker, not technically a beast pirate but an ally of the beast pirates. All in all, Kaido seems to have all the different cards in his deck, except for one.

The Ace.

Now I'm not suggesting that Ace was secretly a beast pirate or that the beast pirates had anything due to Ace, but I do think that the ace card should be represented on Kaido's crew. We've seen in the past that different characters can have similar names, you have Tsuru and O-Tsuru, axe hand Morgan and Morgans, I don't see why you cannot have the ace of the beast pirates and the ace of the whitebeard pirates. Hell, perhaps they were even rivals.

But I think it makes sense for there to be a fourth, secret, calamity that most people don't know of. why is this calamity secret? I think it could be for many reasons, but ultimately I think that they are a spy and are involved in clandestine operations on behalf of kaido. They could also be the "Ace" up Kaido's sleeve, made secret solely in order to keep enemies unaware of him and hence make him more effective as a fighter.

Lastly, I think that the existence of a fourth calamity could help solve two issues.

  1. the traitor
the traitor, as of now, literally cannot be anyone. The scabbards were all sentenced to death and hence cannot be traitors. And literally nobody knew that raizo was in Zou and knew that Hiyori was in Ringo. the traitor has seemingly supernatural surveillance abilities. I think this could be due to his devil fruit. I theorize he might have some sort of mythical thunder bird zoan that could allow him to combine CoO with electricity to gain Enel-like surveillance powers.

  1. a warm up fight for luffy
Luffy has had a warm up fight in almost every arc. With him needing to beat a yonko in wano, I don't see why he shouldn't have one now. I don't think he should have a warm up against the other calamities as 1)they would be better as fights for Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, and 2) they're all on onigashima, with kaido. And I presume Luffy will go after kaido once he reaches onigashima.

If Kaido had a secret beckman-like right hand who was sent to destroy the alliance, Luffy could have a chance to take on a low top tier and perhaps test out his abilities before the main fight. Also, we've yet to see what true zoan awakening is, and I feel like Oda would reveal that before the Kaido fight.

  1. a warm up fight for luffy
Luffy has had a warm up fight in almost every arc. With him needing to beat a yonko in wano, I don't see why he shouldn't have one now. I don't think he should have a warm up against the other calamities as 1)they would be better as fights for Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, and 2) they're all on onigashima, with kaido. And I presume Luffy will go after kaido once he reaches onigashima.

If Kaido had a secret beckman-like right hand who was sent to destroy the alliance, Luffy could have a chance to take on a low top tier and perhaps test out his abilities before the main fight. Also, we've yet to see what true zoan awakening is, and I feel like Oda would reveal that before the Kaido fight.

Maybe he has an Ace and it will be cool!
But in japan, the Ace is considered to be the best player and it is always like that, they love to use the Ace as the key player! It's Kaido and if not, Orochi because he commands kaido's army (even queen followed his orders and send two assassins) and is always with kaido!

And for the warm up fight, you really think luffy could defeat someone stronger than king/katakuri and also defeat Kaido after that ? Lol!
In EL, blueno was really weak compared to lucci that's why luffy defeated both of them! If there is any second strongest it will be for zoro! And there is still kidd and law lol!
The warm up fight for luffy could be jack, for what he did in zou and the big gap between him and others calamities/kaido.
This is tricky, because you have to consider what abilities are good for espionage that would help "Ace" reach the level of a Calamity and not stop at mere Tobi Roppo/Headliner. Keep in mind Kaido collects Zoan users, Paramecia belong to Orochi's Samurai camp or Worst Gen members like Hawkins and Apoo who everyone feels are temporary additions. Not someone who's been at Kaido's side for 20 years. A Paramecia user could be a traitor, but not an Ace. In the same vein as the Kurozumi DF users. WIth that in mind, what animal abilities are good for espionage?

Invisibility ---> color-changing camouflage like a Chameleon DF. But this is a regular Zoan, it's hard to justify this guy flying past Page One and X-Drake just from becoming invisible. Sanji's Raid Suit can fly, is bullet proof, didn't even take damage from Page One, is fire proof, works underwater, etc. A Chameleon power has independent eyes, long fast tongue, that's pretty much it.

Form change ---> the old hag's Clone Clone. Devon's Mythical Zoan. Gyukimaru. This one is played out for sure.

Silence ----> this amounts to a ninja's ability to sneak in and out in silence. It's hard to justify using a Zoan DF for this because someone like Raizou or Shinbou can just do it naturally. The ninja also belong to Orochi's camp, they would not be Kaido's Ace. It feels wrong to come up with an Ace when Fukurokuju and his boys exist.

Super Eyesight or Hearing ----> a lip-reading bird of prey like Owl or Falcon. Possibly a bug. An extinct animal. All they do is spy on Oden's faction from a distance. They are not able to pull any tricks and merely collect information. As boring as this sounds, it's the most plausible option. Oda should be able to pick an extinct species with supersensory abilities so Ace is also an Ancient Zoan like the others.

2. a warm up fight for luffy
I'm not so confident about this. It's hard to identify a trend for these things.

Alabasta: 3 fights. Luffy fought Croc for all of them.
Skypeia: 3 fights. Luffy/Sanji/Usopp fought dough boy, then Luffy fought Enel twice.
Water7/Enies Lobby: 5 fights across 2 arcs. The mess with Franky. Lost to Lucci, the Usopp fight, beat Blueno, fought Lucci again.
Thriller Bark: 2 fights. Luffy fought Oars with everyone. Luffy fought Moria.
Fishman Island: 2 fights. Luffy fought Vander Decken. Maybe Jinbe. Luffy fought Hody.
Punk Hazard: 3+ fights. Luffy/Zoro fight the Dragon, bodyswapped Smoker/Tashigi, a Yeti brother, Monet, fought Caesar three times.
Dresrossa: 3+ fights. Chinjao, Bellamy, fought Doflamingo two rounds.
WCI: 3+ fights. Cracker, the enraged army, Katakuri for one or two rounds (depending on your view).

The pattern I can see here is that the boss fight determines how many other times Luffy fights and of what quality the warm ups would be. Luffy went at it with Croc and Caesar on three different occasions, his other fights were left of low-caliber like the Yeti or Smoker in Tashigi's body. If Luffy only fights the boss twice, and the first is a quick affair, there is room for a second high quality opponent.

If Luffy is meant to fight Kaido three times, I see no need for high-caliber opponent like an "Ace" calamity to be thrown in there. All his other enemies could be Holdems or at best throw in a Page One.
Can there be 4th Calamity? Anything can be possible, bt are there evidence or hints about 4th calamity? No. None.

You are just creating a new position, for sake of creating a Traitor since none of the RS can fulfill that purpose, bt again do the traitor have to be someone strong enough? No. He could have a DF ability just right for the cause, kinda like Old Hag.

As for Luffy fighting someone else, i also considered this possibility in another thread if Luffy will solo Kaidou or not, and i also think if his final fight has to be Tag team he could fight one more opponent, bt i think that can be someone from BMPs, SNs or maybe even BM herself and not necessarily that Traitor.
Also, Luffy obviously will go through the fodders to beat Kaidou, like Oden did.
Nah, they don't need anymore men.

Even Big mom pirates are there, and Smoothie needs to shine.

But it would be a good twist if ''hawkeye'' mihawk shows up as a member of ''beasts'' pirates though, :steef::suresure:
You are just creating a new position, for sake of creating a Traitor since none of the RS can fulfill that purpose, bt again do the traitor have to be someone strong enough? No. He could have a DF ability just right for the cause, kinda like Old Hag.
I think that if the traitor is a new character who has been secretly spying on the SHs, its going to have to be someone super important otherwise it would just ruin the traitor subplot


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Maybe the strongest of the "Numbers" can be considered a 4th calamity like he is the 4th calamity who leads the numbers cuz we know calamities have headliners/tobi roppo under them maybe this guy is the "Ace" who leads the numbers (assuming numbers have higher rank than headliners)


I talked with @playa4321 about this that Kaido has his own conqueror underling that is hidden.

if King was so special,
Look at how Oda treated Katakuri, oden hype & Ray hype and intros...and also giving them top tier haki or natural freak status...king didn't get such badass intro nor hype.

Oda is playing this game with Rocks pirates :
With WB:
we learnt that his strongest commander left and died later; Oden (CoC user)
He got a new commander (who was gonna be his succesor) , Ace (CoC user) who died too.

With BM :
We learnt her weakest commander got demoted coz he lost ; Snack
BM has Katakuri (CoC user) her strongest child & commander.

With Kaido :
His best commander is hidden.
He will be around kata/benn age.
His intro will be epic during fire festival like how Kata was introduced during tea party.

You can count Doffy (CoC user) but he isn't part of Kaido's main crew.

Yonko> Captains
Kaido : BM : WB
YC0> Special
Beast-Ace : Kata : Oden
King: Smoothie : Marco
Queen : Cracker : Jozu
YC 3>
Jack : Pero : Ace*
X Drake: Snack : Vista


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I talked with @playa4321 about this that Kaido has his own conqueror underling that is hidden.

if King was so special,
Look at how Oda treated Katakuri, oden hype & Ray hype and intros...and also giving them top tier haki or natural freak status...king didn't get such badass intro nor hype.

Oda is playing this game with Rocks pirates :
With WB:
we learnt that his strongest commander left and died later; Oden (CoC user)
He got a new commander (who was gonna be his succesor) , Ace (CoC user) who died too.

With BM :
We learnt her weakest commander got demoted coz he lost ; Snack
BM has Katakuri (CoC user) her strongest child & commander.

With Kaido :
His best commander is hidden.
He will be around kata/benn age.
His intro will be epic during fire festival like how Kata was introduced during tea party.

You can count Doffy (CoC user) but he isn't part of Kaido's main crew.

Yonko> Captains
Kaido : BM : WB
YC0> Special
Beast-Ace : Kata : Oden
King: Smoothie : Marco
Queen : Cracker : Jozu
YC 3>
Jack : Pero : Ace*
X Drake: Snack : Vista
BP having another YC cooler than King? gtfo.......I think there might be another commander but King is the "YC 0".... Tha fact that Jack was scared when talking to K/Q was epic enough to me


BP having another YC cooler than King? gtfo.......I think there might be another commander but King is the "YC 0".... Tha fact that Jack was scared when talking to K/Q was epic enough to me
Jack was getting scolded just like Smoothie was by Daifuku
That's not epic at all.

King and queen were introduced same time...if he was stronger and special, he will have his own intro chapter.
Their intro was underwhelming too since Yonko Teach was introduced in the same chapter. Not forgetting Moriah return.

all 3 (Ray Oden Kata) CoC users have their own intro chapters where their skills or stats are hyped.
King? Nothing. even when he showed his zoan...nobody hyped him, he didn't show anything better than FS or CoC or Oden charisma.
Oda didn't even give King a mythical fruit.

(I just realised oddn was using Enma since he was 9 lol he is way badass)


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Jack was getting scolded just like Smoothie was by Daifuku
That's not epic at all.

King and queen were introduced same time...if he was stronger and special, he will have his own intro chapter.
Their intro was underwhelming too since Yonko Teach was introduced in the same chapter. Not forgetting Moriah return.

all 3 (Ray Oden Kata) CoC users have their own intro chapters where their skills or stats are hyped.
King? Nothing. even when he showed his zoan...nobody hyped him, he didn't show anything better than FS or CoC or Oden charisma.
Oda didn't even give King a mythical fruit.

(I just realised oddn was using Enma since he was 9 lol he is way badass)
I'll be all for it's King the Fucking Wildfire his intro might not have been super hype or something but look how sick he looks..... definitely worthy being strongest commander of BP.... again if there is a secret commander stronger than him I'll be like :finally: but imho he's the man....Queen already have a higher bounty than Katakuri King should be around if not little > than Luffy's now sure normally bounties doesn't tell you how strong a guy is but we're talking about YCs so they should "somehow" mean that "X" is very strong and if not stronger at least more Dangerous than "Y" and boy if King is more dangerous than Katakuri.....I used to think that except from Kaido and the calamities BP were a bit too weak but with the latest infos (Numbers + 20k subordinates) I think they are pretty solid at least in the higher ranks adding someone above King imho would be Overkill... fantastic but still overkill xD