I have only one question...why do people make a fuss about someone saying they quit? Borto said a year ago he quits, I said a year ago I quit. We still here. Ya all dont know how mafia works huh...mafia players are renownly known to say stuff which they take back anyway. Most people just say it to convey a message and the message clearly is "I am burnt out! Leave me be ningen!".
We went from a handful of players to another legendary weeb game that broke all records of numbers a previous weeb game had. We clearly did something right there and we def are growing so no clue what ya ningens saying. You guys are too much used to see complain because you guys realize when you skim over the OP discussiom threads here, its 99% only complain or unjustified cririque, aka clownfiesta. Ya all should put down the clown fake nose and show us your true nose.
Stop making drama, even I said I will play less and only troll. Oh, I said it before weebs and I trolled weebs and I gave correct reads and I connected the dots correctly. The message I convey is that I had fun and contributed, like literally almost everyone just everyone in their different ways. Thats the beauty of having such a community.
Maybe 4 people did quit. Doesnt mean that 4 people will restart in future.
Now lets talk about beautiful things, like the upcomming high quality hololive game that ya all are anticipating like fuck.