however we became aware that law and kidd held back powers on the rooftop they already had while luffy and zoro went all out.
no doubt the portrayal those two gain from defeating a yonko in a 2v 1 individually is certainly still above beating a right hand 1v1
emphasis on their victory confirms it .
When their awakenings were first introduced, both Kid and Law essentially stated that they were last-resort abilities that were not fully mastered in the slightest--only when they were forced into a corner by Big Mom did they pull their awakenings out. To be completely honest, you can make the same argument for Zoro "holding back powers" on the rooftop because he was regulating his haki due to Enma.
Realistically, the only time I'd say Zoro went "all out" on the rooftop was when he used Ashura, and he was already a dead man walking at that point. Hell, if you straight up
remove the Ashura feat, you can still argue that Zoro looked better than Law on the rooftop as a combatant.
The 'defeated a Yonko' argument for Law is almost as problematic as the 'swordsman' argument for Zoro--it's way too much of an oversimplification.
After I looked at
@Garp the Fist's compilation of Law's attacks on Big Mom, I was surprised at the fact that every single one of Law's attacks landed while Big Mom was distracted by Kid. That type of leverage doesn't exist in a 1v1. Not only that, but the most damning thing about it is the fact that Law's BEST feat against Big Mom can't actually be measured whatsoever besides the DC. There's legitimately no way to tell how much damage Puncture Wille actually did to Big Mom, and it honestly should not get as much benefit of the doubt as it does because Big Mom continued to turn around and challenge Kidd to attack her right after. Even in the very next chapter, it took Big Mom collapsing through the floor and punching a bomb and then falling god knows how many feet into a hole in order to secure the victory.
What did Law do to Big Mom, from a pure damage output perspective, in the fight that we can be confident beyond all reasonable doubt that Zoro would be unable to reproduce?
And to top ALL OF THAT off, what I find so unbelievably hypocritical about some Law/Zoro arguments is this:
- According to many people, Zoro's "KoH time limit" is such a huge flaw that it has become the main issue people use to claim that he loses a given fight, and yet:
- Based on my understanding of Law's devil fruit, he should not be able to use K-Room and Room in conjunction, which means that any advantage in 'hax' that Law would get...goes straight down the drain when he wants to use his awakening. He becomes a literal sitting duck and it's almost entirely due to the circumstances of this particular fight that he was able to get away with it so many damn times
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE only the first 2 little paragraphs were directed at you the rest was just a general rant