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not saying Wano, but Onigashima specifically has become my worst week-to-week experience reading One Piece. With each passing Chapter the odds of this arc ending in an anticlimactic, unsatisfying way increase. There are loads of unnecessary plotpoints. So many wins for the alliance, and it's all been super easy, peasy. There has been no relevant consequences, no tension and no stakes. There have been no plotlines for the straw hats, we've not received a real Kaido plot yet either. We heard about his plan and he's at like... step 1 to bringing it closer to fullfillment, but that's barely anything. Like in comparison to Crocodile who actually progressed with his plan, actually started the civil war, planted the bombs on the tower and was extremely close to reaching his goal before luffy beat his ass. None of this tension of we need to defeat the villain before he goes through with his villanous plans is present here. We didn't even get proper 1v1s for all SHs and the ones we got were all, with the exception of Black Maria vs Robin, very unfulfilling and disappointing.

If you build up a story arc for 10 years you need to deliver on it. Even if my hopes continue to decrease... i'm still hoping Oda knows how to write a story and that the tide will for once turn in the Villains favour. We're going up against the biggest threat we've ever faced and it's been a cakewalk
the thing is that strawhat disbanded crocodile’s plan when it was already in place, in onigashima they are fighting a newborn BM and Kaido’s alliance and the plan of the yonkos is still in its first phase. Plus, the onigashima arc is more like an all-out war, so there shouldn’t be plot points different from fights or strategic decisions/turnarounds. This is more like a Marineford arc rather than an Alabasta arc. Knowing oda we expect characters not to die and win their fights, so i agree that there is no real tension (and this is another difference from alabasta, that was the first big arc and oda wasn’t known as a “i do not kill characters” mangaka). but still, i think onigashima is an arc made to be binged, and people now are clearly experiencing arc-fatigue. This is really visible, and Oda is doing nothing to accelerate things (and i truly appreciate that because i think it’s the best way to grant the coherence of the narration)
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the thing is that strawhat disbanded crocodile’s plan when it was already in place, in onigashima they are fighting a newborn BM and Kaido’s alliance and the plan of the yonkos is still in its first phase. Plus, the onigashima arc is more like an all-out war, so there shouldn’t be plot points different from fights or strategic decisions/turnarounds. This is more like a Marineford arc rather than an Alabasta arc. Knowing oda we expect characters not to die and win their fights, so i agree that there is no real tension (and this is another difference from alabasta, that was the first big arc and oda wasn’t known as a “i do not kill characters” mangaka). but still, i think onigashima is an arc made to be binged, and people now are clearly experiencing arc-fatigue. This is really visible, and Oda is doing nothing to accelerate things (and i truly appreciate that because i think it’s the best way to grant the coherence of the narration)
i also want to add that I really don’t understand why people want SHs to be on the edge of dying or something
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