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Gorosei Informer

That would be cool but the raid aint failing
Yeah I don't think it will either, I've feared for a while now that it won't. Oda is playing it way too safe these days. Onigashima falling really was Namek exploding/Birdcage 2.0 and he couldn't commit to it, just like he can't commit to killing off characters either. He's really softened up.

Hirohiro Araki was in a VERY dark place when he wrote Part 5 of Jojo, he was "betrayed" by a close friend or something and it inspired him for writing that part, hence why he wrote a certain character the way he did too. I don't know how much truth that has but it would make sense. I bet Kubo and Kishimoto experience similar and used it as influences in their works too.

I think Oda was in a very dark place when he wrote Sabaody to Marineford at least, it was so out of the blue, maybe he was pressured to take the story in that direction or something but even now it shocks me completely how that happened in One Piece of all things and as some people did point out to me, we also had a lot of death fake outs and lack of death pre TS so that's what made those arcs so impactful too.

Unfortunately I think OP truly peaked then and may never reach that peak again in terms of emotional impact, atmosphere, tension and narrative impact too honestly.

We've had some great stuff post TS but who would have thought a war on 2 Yonkos would be so frustratingly underwhelming and embarassing for them, especially Big Mom? Oda was already clowning BM at WCI but he turned it up to 11 here!
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Aye, I didn't write that but it's very similar to what I know, researched, believed etc of Shuten as I learned about him from Okami which I obsessed on, a bit of Japanese mythology research for fun and also playing Japanese mythology games like Warriors Orochi too.
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