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Alright fellas, let's take a little bet. The last time we saw Carrot before chapter 1041 was in chapter 1026 when she hugged Nekomamushi. It took 5 months from September to February for her to get another singular panel. What's the over-under of the amount of time it will take for Carrot to get another panel and tie with Jack in terms of panel time?

I'm thinking under 5 months...
Alright fellas, let's take a little bet. The last time we saw Carrot before chapter 1041 was in chapter 1026 when she hugged Nekomamushi. It took 5 months from September to February for her to get another singular panel. What's the over-under of the amount of time it will take for Carrot to get another panel and tie with Jack in terms of panel time?

I'm thinking under 5 months...
under 2 months:myman:
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