How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Luffy was fully focused on Kaido in 1vs1 and extremely fatigued "barely standing" as per Yamato's own words.
He got blindsided by an external assasin involving himself in this extreme diff fight.

That is different to getting stabbed by someone far weaker than you in a 1 on 1 situation.
WB could detect Ace trying to kill him while sleeping when his haki was working properly in ch552...

Doflamingo can stitch organs, but characters who can phase their bodies into amorphous elements have no durability benefits... Oh wait we've seen haki users slash Akainu's neck and him be fine afterwards...

It's not headcanon, the WB that fought Shanks was not in the same heart attack prone, deathbed state. WB specifically laments the fact his haki isn't working in 569 saying he can't stop them, just before Luffy does it by accident, do you even read the manga bro?
You're full of crap here man
CoO needs to be activated.
Kaido doesn't sense the Scabbards are coming
Akainu doesn't sense Whitebeard sneaking behind him
Katakuri doesn't sense Luffy bursting out of mochi prison and ruining his tea time
WB did not activate CoO because he didn't need to
Marco never says WB's haki is the issue, he says his physical condition got worse, haki is not tied to physical ability, he was refering to WB's innate reflexed and ability to dodge in itself

Secondly Doffy isn't a logia, Akainu was never actually hit by Marco/Vista because he shiftshaped to avoid the blows, so how are you gonna compare these instances to WB cleanly hitting Akainu and making him BLEED?

Also cap WB was 100% confident he could use CoC, the hole Akainu had just given him prevented that from happening
But how is that good writing? Oda already had to pull the mink medicine from the depths of his ass to get Zoro up and running to fight King

Y'all want Oda to waive the negative effects of the medicine to have Zoro kill Kaido? What would be the point of introducing the side effect if it won't matter?
Luffy surviving inside a barrel in east blue was an ass pull too!
No, it's because the manga has been hinting at Zoro being the second Ryuma and killing a dragon over Wano capital for a while. Kaido is looking to fight a strong samurai and receive an honorable death.

The reason some don't want ZKK is because he's not a captain and in their minds he can never look better than Luffy. They are some of the same that claimed Zoro wouldn't reach the rooftop, scar Kaido or obtain ACoC.
Even if we want to push the narrative that Kaido should fly over Wano capital in dragon form just to die to Zoro ( who is not a position to do so) just doesn't make sense unless he get another Mink medicine in which case he will die.

Macro hasn't shown the ability to bring to heal broken bones and internal injuries.
The Strong swordsman, with more than enough power to kill Kaido now, Killing the unkillable villain is great story telling.

But of course you people want that rubber rubber stretch punch in the face gimmick no? PeAk WrItInG ✍
He’s the main character not Zoro
Besides you were all calling Zoro “nerfed” when he was heavily injured

Now all of a sudden when he’s more heavily injured you think he can kill the unkillable…..this isn’t fairy tail lol

Kaido needed a distraction to beat Luffy can't beat in a fair 1 v 1.

If Luffy was to be beat (temporarily) this is the best way to do it.

Like Oden was about to smoke Kaido Luffy was as well.
Oden didnt even came close to make Kaidou use hybrid let alone his serious Drunken Bagua mode which he only use on worthy challengers...:lusalty:
I think history happening again with a dragon being beheaded in the capital is great.
After all Ryuma a legend of centuries.

Obviously it must have pirate touches.
I think the parallels to Ryuma are properly established and fine. I'm not saying ZKK has 0 proof I don't recall saying that in any of my previous messages

I just don't see how ZKK could be written well at this point. There is no way for Oda to bring Zoro back and have him kill Kaido without some sort of asspull

Gorosei Informer

If we're not being trolled and the chapter is genuinely this much of a lazy shit fest and further dragging out of the arc, then I'm quitting the series for real, finally and permanently.

Probably even request my account deleted too and I'll be leaving here too then naturally.

We don't need another Flampe and Hostage Momo incidents plus Luffy losing AGAIN, FFS! Sigh...

I'm expecting or at least coping that we're being trolled though.

But how is that good writing? Oda already had to pull the mink medicine from the depths of his ass to get Zoro up and running to fight King

Y'all want Oda to waive the negative effects of the medicine to have Zoro kill Kaido? What would be the point of introducing the side effect if it won't matter?
It’s horrible writing they want Zoro to be something he never will be aka the MC
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