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No dude... that's a bike...!!

***The Fordring games have begun!! ***

Listen up y’all!

I’m looking for undead beings who pose a threat to us.

My fellow players - Darion Mograine, Sylvanas, Arthas, Sindragosa, Professor Putricide,Blood Queen Lana'thel,Marrowgar.....

I’m watching you!

If you are really a townie then I urge you to get me the heads of undead.

Co-operate with me and you’ll be rewarded.
Do not co-operate, you’ll pay a hefty fine.
The choice is yours and let the Fordring games begin.​

who is this btw? town/scum role?


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Mind your spelling. It‘s called you and not u.

You help me by joining the League. You get better rewards for exploring and I get a boost as well.

I can‘t harm Town. All my abilities do is help me get items and give me boosts for exploring.

You should keep me alive because it‘s beneficial for all of us.
Are you trying to make us do all the hard work while you take the rewards?

I ain't doing anything until you are specific about these rewards and boosts.

Not trusting an indie.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Arent sylvanas and darion,undead?:sus:
so u know the flavor too, i see
hope u use it for the better of townkind

You know, I think they can make a great series with the lore of WoW just like Arcane. From what little I know of what Fuji told me, it sounds very interesting.
probaably yea, seems to have potential and lots of characters

this post stinks more than ekko's crusty socks
meaning to ask, is there any reason why r u half assing the PR? either do it or dont no?

***The Fordring games have begun!! ***

Listen up y’all!

I’m looking for undead beings who pose a threat to us.

My fellow players - Darion Mograine, Sylvanas, Arthas, Sindragosa, Professor Putricide,Blood Queen Lana'thel,Marrowgar.....

I’m watching you!

If you are really a townie then I urge you to get me the heads of undead.

Co-operate with me and you’ll be rewarded.
Do not co-operate, you’ll pay a hefty fine.
The choice is yours and let the Fordring games begin.​

Before anyone takes a shot at me,, i read this wu just now lmao. I was just role-playing Jon in my first post:catblush:


No dude... that's a bike...!!

***The Fordring games have begun!! ***

Listen up y’all!

I’m looking for undead beings who pose a threat to us.

My fellow players - Darion Mograine, Sylvanas, Arthas, Sindragosa, Professor Putricide,Blood Queen Lana'thel,Marrowgar.....

I’m watching you!

If you are really a townie then I urge you to get me the heads of undead.

Co-operate with me and you’ll be rewarded.
Do not co-operate, you’ll pay a hefty fine.
The choice is yours and let the Fordring games begin.​

couldnt sworn the message had a wink face ;)

sound like hayumi


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
not a fan of the early defense attempt of mango. its very unwarranted
Early defense? Can you point me to those posts?

I can see that he has voted for Mango and then he shared a couple of posts with you where he clearly stated that he wants to destroy you.
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