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What could have been...
Put your faith in the light, and all is possible.

If so, she's town
Didn't Odd already claim that?

Sylvanas is Undead lmao​
Oh no worst not again :milaugh:
Kagu might be a Hitman Indie and Worst is her target tbh.

im not following
whats going on
i think worst is good even tho his character look evil. maybe he changes wincon later idk

what about kagura? did u guys figure her out?


What could have been...
My understanding is -

Fording good
Some Undead good
Some Undead bad
Fording is against all Undead

Is this accurate?
undead cannot harm fording apparently so we need to deal with him ourselves

meaning @Kagurashii if u dont have to kill all undead then u can win with town, else we have to yeet u

u can obviously lie about ur wincon and stuff but we already know ur character so if u kill any towny ur a goner


Custom title
Or one is Town and the other a Hitman Indie with said Town as her target. Not that we should kill her anyhow given her flavour, but what she's claiming sounds way too broken for a Town role.
exactly why would a town get a list of all the undead and be immune to all of them ( especially ALL the scum ones ) , i mean if she's the hitman indie she can just claim it help us get rid of the scum then we can help her win with us
Or one is Town and the other a Hitman Indie with said Town as her target. Not that we should kill her anyhow given her flavour, but what she's claiming sounds way too broken for a Town role.
Which part is broken? He's literally the primary hero of this story bear in mind

One of those bounties is there for the taking, so let's see what happens
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