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When were you under the impression this game is..
Character - Nozdormu - Aspect of Time

Have hinted this several times, with me having talked about having time, being without allies, etc.

-I have a Vote Power of 2.
-I am super-bulletproof.
-My actions go first and cannot be delayed.
-First non-hostile that targets me gets refilled, first anti-town that targets me loses an x-shot ability.
-Cannot be aided by other players.
-Doctor (cycle-long)
-Can also cure negative effects on players.
-Can unlock all locked abilities of a player of my choice, one-shot. Planning to use it on myself.
-Another one-shot - can hold and store all actions sent for up to a phase. Afterwards they're all released at once.
-Another one-shot - can undo all actions that occur in a day up until the point actions lock, resetting the day.
-Another one-shot - Can remove a player from the game for as long as I'm alive. Will be using it on one of the three I mentioned tomorrow if I'm around.

Wincon - "Help town win the game. But don't break time doing it"

I have one locked passive, called "The End of Time". It actually says redacted, not locked, so I need to ask if my aforementioned one-shot will work there.


Suspect of everyone who keeps trying to handle my slot as "but who cares, he's an indie". My claim is not just Indie. It's essentially an extension of the Town. The game is obviously going to be balanced assuming that I work towards the town, not for my own purposes. If you don't believe me, that's one thing, but to keep trying to dismiss elements of what I'm saying but also accept most of it, is flagrantly scum-driven.

You know, it always ends up going like this whenever I claim Indie. And I always say "next time, I won' claim, because peple would rather play for spite than their own win con". And yet every time, I do the same thing again. I should have learnt from Fuji's last game, where exactly the same thing happened. Except in this case, it's even more flagrant. Well, I've said all I have to say anyway. Figure the rest out yourselves.

Vote: Adam
Ratchet, sincerely not sure why you took so much issue with my read of you when you were in fact super bulletproof. I also think this probably wasn't at all necessary. I'm not going to keep questioning you, since you've seemed to offer everything but the kitchen sink here, but what was the point of this?


What could have been...

Abyssal Dark was activated to rewrite this WU

To have Black Arrow target ??? instead, but it failed.

Permeating Chill was used on ???

Trapper was activated

Blue was used on ???

1. @Worst r u immune to redirections

2. whoever did this, who did they redirect the kill to
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